Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 4.djvu/505

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Chrysotype, a new photographic pro- cess, 394, 397, 398.

Chorion, the, 76, 139.

, formed of cells arising in the

oviduct, 225.

, on its formation out of cells,


Chronic diseases, application of iodide of potassium to the cure of, 473.

Claudet (A.), new mode of preparation of the Daguerreotype plates, 315.

Ciliary processes, the elements of the, compared with corpuscles of the blood, 324.

Circle, computation of the ratio of the diameter to the circumference to 208 places of decimals, 302.

Circulation of the blood in the Myria- poda and Arachnida, 458.

Climate of London, on a cycle of eighteen years in the mean annual height of the barometer in the, and on a constant variation of the baro- metrical mean according to the moon's declination, 292.

, on the prevailing winds, mean

temperature and depth of rain in the, 300.

Clock, description of an escapement for an astronomical, 221.

— — , electro-magnetic, 249.

Clouds, stationary, on, 33.

Coal and fossil wood, imbedded in ig- neous rocks, 299.

Coggan's (J.) self-registering thermo- meter and barometer, 72.

Colebrooke (H. T.), notice of the life and works of, 10.

Colours of mixed plates, on, 33.

, on Nobili's plate of, 195.

, vegetable, action of the rays of

the solar spectrum on, 393, 397.

of flowers, of the, in general

under the action of the spectrum, 393.

Comet of 1843, 450, 456.

Compass, experiments for discovering a correction for its deviation in iron- built ships, 141.

Conchoidal surface, geometrical and mechanical elements of a, 81.

Conduction, electrolytic, 50.

— = — , or conductive discharge, 50.

Conductors and insulators, analogy of, 50.

Conferva crispa of Dillwyn, 238. Conferva fluviatilis of Linnaeus, 238.

Constant battery, Daniell's, 23.

, account of the effects of a large,


Constantinople, results of meteorologi- cal observations at, 293.

Contact theory of voltaic electricity, 200 ; chemical theory, 201.

Convection, or carrying discharge, 56.

Cooper (Sir A. P.), biographical notice of, 344.

Cooper (J. T.), description of a hydro- pneumatic baroscope, 126.

Cooper (J. S.) on the visibility of cer- tain rays beyond the ordinary red rays of the solar spectrum, 146.

Copley Medals, awarded to M. Bec- querel, 22 ; to J. F. Daniell, Esq., 23.

, awarded to Prof. Gauss, 99 ; to

Prof Faraday, 100. , awarded to Prof. Liebig and to

M. Sturm, 255.

awarded to Dr. G. S. Ohm, 336.

, awarded to Prof. MacCullagh,


Corallidffi, on the organic tissues in the bony structure of the, 383.

Copper, on the reduction of, 447.

Cordilleras, heights of the principal points of, 196.

Cornea, the, a non-vascular animal tissue, 310.

Cornwall, electric conditions of the rocks and metalliferous veins of mines in, 317.

Corpus luteum, elements of the, de- rived from corpuscles of the blood, 324,

Council and Officers of the Royal So- ciety:— for 1837-38, 28 ; for 1838- 39, 105; for 1839-40, 184; for 18^0-41, 272; for 1841-42, 355; for 1842-43, 423.

Council of the Royal Society, their statement relative to Mr. Panizzi's pamphlet, 18.

, report of their proceedings, 21,

99, 332.

, report on the state of the Soci- ety's library, 333.

Crozier (Capt. T. B. M.), meteorolo- gical observations taken on board H.M.S. Terror, 293, 374.

Crustacea, on the organ of hearing in, 471.

Crystalline lens, a non-vascular ani- mal tissue, 310.