Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 69.djvu/388

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Mr. F. V. Theobald. On the Culicidce of India,

interrupted by five white spots and an apical spot ; fringe with pale patches where the veins join the borders ; veins mainly dark scaled, but with pale areas.

Length. 3'5 to 4 mm.

Habitat. Ellichpur, Behars ; Shahjahanpur, N.W.P.

Observations. This species can at once be told by the last two tarsi of the hind legs only being white.

The female only known.

Anopheles maculatus. (Theobald.)

'Mono. Culicid.,' 1, p. 171 (1901).

Thorax slaty-grey, with darker longitudinal lines and snowy-white scales; abdomen black, with yellowish hairs, very dense apically, giving the apex a dense yellow tinge. Palpi black scaled, apical joint white, also base and apex of the penultimate and apex of the others. Legs with femora, tibiae and metatarsi banded with pale yellow ; fore and mid tarsi with narrow yellow bands, hind tarsi with broad white ones, last joint pure white. Wings with four large and two small black costal spots ; veins mostly pale scaled with small black spots ; fringe with pale spots where the veins join the border. Male palpi brown, apical joint dilated, white on one side and a small white spot on the other side near the base ; apex of penultimate joint white, and another pale ring towards the base of the palp.

Length. 3'5 to 4 mm.

Habitat. Lahore ; Punjaub (Christophers) ; Hong Kong (Eees).

Observations. Described from specimens from Hong Kong. Dr. Christophers also sends specimens. Easily distinguished by the last hind tarsal only being white. Captain James, I.M.S., sent me notes on the larvae of this species from Hong Kong, the larvee being found in the shallow pools of marshy ground on the granite soil near Hong Kong.

Anopheles Sinensis. (Wiedemann.)

'Aussereurop. Zweifliig. Insek.,' p. 547 (1818); 'Mono. Culicid.,' 1, p. 137 (1901), Theobald.

Thorax slaty-grey, with purplish longitudinal stripes and narrow pale golden scales and minute dark specks. Abdomen brownish-black and testaceous, with long golden hairs and traces of paler apical borders. Legs brown, paler below; tibiae and tarsi with either apical or apical and basal pale bands, except the last two of the fore and mid legs. Palpi densely scaled with dark brown scales, apex white, and with other white bands. Costa dark brown, with two large yellow spots.