Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 69.djvu/389

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with Descriptions of New Species of Anopheles.

Length. 5 mm.

Habitat. Calcutta ; Madras ; Formosa ; China.

Observation*. This is the type of a group of closely-related mos- quitoes which differ mainly in the position of the cross-veins and fork cells. These I have separated as sub-species. The following occur in India :

Sub-species annularis. (Van der Wulp.)

= A. vanus, Walker.

'Notes Leyden Museum,' 6, p. 249, V. d. Wulp; 'Proc. Linn. Soc., Lond.,' 4, p. 91, Walker (1860); 'Mono. Culicid.,' 1, p. 142, Theo- bald (1901).

This sub-species is like A. sinensis, but the cross-veins are further apart, and the costal spots smaller, and the palpi and proboscis rather more scaly. There is no pale patch in the wing fringe where the lower branch of the fifth vein joins the border, and the majority of specimens are much smaller than the* type. There is a considerable amount of variation in regard to the leg banding and the banding in the palpi.

Length. Female, 4 to 5 mm. ; male, 3'8 to 4*5 mm.

Habitat. Madras ; Sambalpur, Central Provinces ; Straits Settle- ments.

Sub-species Indiensis. (Theobald.)

Fork cells much longer than in the type ; the base of the first sul>- marginal being close to the first costal spot, close to the junction of sub-costal and costal. Fringe pale at the lower branch of the fifth long vein, whilst the cross-veins resemble most nearly those of A. annularis (type).

Habitat. Madras.

Sub-species nigerrimus. (Giles.)

'Hnd. Bk. Gnats,' p. 161 (1900), Giles ; ' Mono. Culicid.,' 1, p. 145 (1901), Theobald.

Near to annularis, but there is a pale patch at the end of the lower branch of the fifth long vein, and the apical fringe is black.

Habitat. Calcutta ; Nairn Tal ; Lahore ; Travancore ; Dacca.

Note. There is a slight difference in the wing scales to the other sub-species and the type, the scales being rather shorter and broader.