Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 69.djvu/406

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Mr. F. V. Theobald. On the Culicidce of India,

Culex tritceniorhynchus. (Giles.)

'The Entomologist,' p. 192 (1901), Giles; 'Mono. Culicid.,' 1, p. 364 (1901), Theobald.

Thorax fuscous with golden-brown tomentum, unadorned. Abdo- men fuscous with narrow yellowish-white basal bands, broader in the middle than laterally. Legs minutely basally banded ; proboscis with three ochraceous bands.

Length of $ 2 '4 mm.; of ? 3 mm.

Habitat. India.

Observations. I have not been able to find this species amongst those sent me by Colonel Giles, nor have I seen any triple-banded proboscis species. Several specimens of C. Vishnui have appeared so through denudation however.

Culex cantans. (Meigen.)

C. stimulans. (Walker.)

C. maculatus. (Meigen.)

C. fumipennis. (Stephens.)

'Syst. Beschr.,' 1, 6, 6, Meigen (1818); ' Mono. Culicid.,' 1, p. 401 (1901), Theobald.

Thorax dark brown, covered with narrow, reddish, and golden-brown curved scales, paler and broader just before the scutellum and at the sides of the mesonotum. Abdomen dark brown, with basal pale bands which often spread out laterally on some of the segments ; the last few segments have traces of apical banding also, the apical segments often entirely pale scaled. Legs dark brown, mottled with paler scales, metatarsi and tarsi with pale broad basal bands ; fore and mid ungues of ? thick, equal, uniserrated ; hind simple.

Length of ? 6 to 7 mm. ; of ^ 7 mm.

Habitat.- Europe, N. America, and India.

Observations. A very distinct, large species common in Europe. The mid cross-vein and supernumerary in one line. Colonel Giles has given an undoubted specimen of this species to the British Museum. It was taken by Dr. Price at Conoor in the Nehilgerry Hills at an elevation of 6,000 feet.

Culex gelidus. (Theobald.)

'Mono. Culicid.,' ii, p. 20 (1901), Theobald.

Thorax dusky yellowish-brown to deep brown, with the anterior two- thirds covered with frosty-white curved scales, the hind portion with almost black scales and long black bristles. Abdomen brown with basal creamy-white bands and pale lateral spots. Ungues of the ? equal and simple.