Page:Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Vol 69.djvu/407

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with Descriptions of New Species of Anopheles.

Length of ? 4'5 mm.

Habitat. Quilon, Travancore ; Dacca ; Ceylon ; Perak ; Selangor.

Observations. A very distinct species with a wide distribution in India. The frosty anterior two-thirds of the thorax will identify it at once.

A distinct variety, cuneatus, occurs in Southern India at Quilon, in which the abdominal bands have a triangular median projection.

Culex tipuliformis. (Theobald.)

’Mono. Culicid.,' ii, p. 325 (1901), Theobald.

Thorax brown, with narrow, golden-brown curved scales, paler behind ; pleurae white scaled. Abdomen dark brown, with basal white median semicircular patches on segments two to five, basal bands spreading out laterally on the apical segments ; legs unhanded, paler brown, long and thin; femora and tibiae with a distinct line of white scales running down them. Proboscis with apparently two pale bands.

Length. 5 - 8 mm. ( $ ).

Habitat. Bakloh (N.W.P.).

Observations. A very distinct large species, with peculiar leg orna- mentation. I am not certain of the proboscis banding, having seen only a single specimen.

Culex pulcriventer. (Giles.)

The Entomologist,' p. 194 (1901), Giles ; ' Mono. Culicid.,' ii, p. 48 (1901), Theobald.

Thorax black, with a patch of golden scales in front, a line of golden scales on each side, along posterior half of mesonotum, curved downwards in front, and a row of golden scales on each side of the bare space in front of the scutellum. Abdomen black, with basal silvery white curved lateral patches ; venter golden-yellow, with basal white patches, and a narrow black border to the segments. Legs black, basal parts creamy white.

Length of ? 5 -5 to 6 '5 mm. ; of <$ 5 to 5*5 mm.

Habitat. Naini Tal, India.

Observations. Easily identified by the peculiar thoracic ornamentation and the basally white femora.

Culex nigripes. (Zetterstedt.)

C. impiger. (Walker.)

C. implacabilis. (Walker.)

'Ins. Lapp. ' (1838-40), Zetterstedt; 'Mono. Culicid., 1 ii, p. 93 (1901), Theobald.

Thorax black, with pale ferruginous scales, paler at the sides.