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The "Second Series” of the Professional Papers of Indian Engineering has now reached the end of a Third Annual Volume. Ten volumes of these papers, commenced in 1863, have now been published, and embody a large collection of interesting Records of Indian Engineering during the past eleven years,

The volume just concluded contains thirty-nine articles on a variety of subjects in the several branches of Engineering. Thus four relate to works connected with Irrigation; and the same number to Railway questions: three are descriptive of Buildings: two refer to Harbour Works: seven discuss Well Sinking and Apparatus connected with that operation : seven enter into details of Construction, Arches, Dams, Walls, Roofs, & c.: two are descriptive of Surveying and Mathematical Instruments: two treat of Cement Manufacture and Testing: and one article is devoted to each of the following subjects:—Artesian Wells, Earthwork, Tiles, Brickmaking, Trucks, Waterway of Bridges, Meteorology, and Forestry.

Thus the present volume is more varied in its contents than perhaps most of its predecessors: and contains one or two articles of more than ordinary interest. Among many interesting papers it is difficult to particularize those of the greatest value: but the following may be noted as treating of recent important works or manufactures well worth the study of the profession in India.