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The Head-works of the New Agra Canal present some very important novelties in construction, the experience gained from which may cause considerable modifications in the practice of building weirs, and perhaps other structures, in the sandy beds of Indian rivers: these works are well described in an interesting article by Major Helsham Jones, R. E. Major Falconnet, R. E., has furnished an exhaustive paper on the Manufacture of the superior description of Bricks and Tiles now used for the Military Buildings at Allahabad,—a paper which should prove of great practical value to Engineers in this Country. The extensive use of well-foundations for bridges and other important structures in this Country, calls forth the inventive talents of many officers engaged on such works, and numerous descriptions of new excavators and dredgers have appeared in the pages of this periodical: the volume now issued introducing to notice seven new instruments of this class.

The first number of the new volume,—forming No. 15 of this Second Series,—will be issued in January next: the terms of Subscription, payment for single numbers, & c., remaining unaltered.

A. M . L.