Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/109

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The daughters of the North, where shun the black
Precipitous roarer, lest it snatch thee away,
Rapt suddenly in gusty wings of storm.]


Crossing the noiseful flood, until thou touch
The plains Gorgonian of Kisthene, where
Do dwell the seed of Phorkys, virgins three
Ancient of days, in swan-similitude,
To whom one eye does common ministry,
One only tooth. Them the sun visits not
With his beams, nor ever finds the lamp of night.
And to these three are neighbour other three,
Their sisters, feather'd horribly, the Gorgons,
With mat of snakes for hair, abhorr'd of men,
Whom none of mortal flesh shall look upon
And still draw breath. Such guard I show thee set. 800
Hear also another sight, they faint who see:—
Beware the warder-dogs of Zeus, whose mouths

Are sharp exceeding, even as eagles' beaks,