Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/110

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The Gryphons, and the host of one-eyed men,
Riders of horses, Arimaspians,
Who dwell beside the stream, the wave whereof
Is affluent of gold, the ford of Pluton.
These then avoid; and thou shalt come to a land
Very far off, a people of dark faces,
Whose seats are by the Well-springs of the Sun,
Where rolls the river Ethiop. Trail thy feet
Along the banks thereof, until thou reach 810
The Stair-way of the Cataract, the hills
Of Byblos: thence is Nile, whereof who drink
Do worship for the virtue of the draught.
And he shall be to thee a way to bring thee
Into the land, that is his own, the isle
Three-corner'd, where that far plantation, Io,
Fate is that thou shalt found, thou and thy sons.
Now if aught here be inarticulate,
Aught hard to hit, turn and retrace it: time
More than I wish, is given me at dispose.