Page:Prometheus Bound (Bevan 1902).djvu/111

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If aught of her disconsolate pilgrimage
Thou hast not yet utter'd or hast left aside, 820
Speak! but if thou hast told her all, to us
Render our asking;—thou art not unmindful.


She hath heard her faring through to the very end.
Howbeit, that she may know her ears have drunk
No words of wind, I will rehearse the labours
Wrought out ere she came hither: this shall be
The warrant of my tale. Well, the most part
(For many words are tedious) I let go,
And touch the ending. After thou hadst come
To the Molossian crofts, the mountain ridges
About Dodona,—where be oracles 830
And siege of Zeus Thesprotian, and a wonder
Outrunning credit, even the oaks that hold
Familiar converse, which with clear proclaim

Hail'd thee, not darkly, spouse of Zeus Most High