Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 2.djvu/427

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the romilly group of families.

sum of £2000 be laid out in Government Securities, and that the dividends thereof be paid to and for the use of the said Peter Romilly and Margaret his wife, for their lives and the life of the survivor of them, and at the decease of the survivor I give the principal thereof among such of their children as shall then be living, equally to be divided among them; but if they shall all be then dead, then I give the same to the executors or administrators of the survivor. Item, I give unto Thomas Romilly, one of the children of the said Peter Romilly, the sum of £2000; to Samuel Romilly, one other of his children, the sum of £2000; and to Catherine Romilly, daughter of the said Peter Romilly, the sum of £3000. Item, I do give unto the said Peter Romilly the further sum of £Jiooo. Item, I do direct that the sum of £3000 be invested in Government Securities, and that the dividends or interest thereof be paid to Miss Margaret Farquier for her life, and after her death to the said Peter Romilly and his said wife during their lives and the life of the survivor of them, and after the death of such survivor the money to arise from the sale thereof to be paid to and among such of the children of said Peter Romilly and his said wife as shall then be living, equally to be divided among them; but if they shall all be then dead, then the same to go to the executors or administrators of the survivor of them. Item, I do direct that the further sum of £7000 be laid out in Government Securities, and the dividends thereof be paid to Mrs. Susanna Cooke, daughter of my late uncle Mr. Charles Delahaize, deceased, and now the wife of Mr. Cooke, for her life, and the same to be for her sole and separate use, exclusive of her present or any after-taken husband, and for whose debts and engagements the same shall not be liable, and her receipts alone to be only discharge therefor; and from and after her death I give such the dividends thereof to her said husband for his life; and from and after the decease of the survivor of them I do direct that such dividends be paid to Ann Cooke their daughter for her life; and from and after her decease that the moneys arising by the sale thereof be paid to and for the use and benefit of such of the children of her the said Ann Cooke, if any [she?] shall have, in such shares and proportions as she shall, by her last will and testament in writing, or by any other writing to be by her signed in her lifetime in the presence of two or more witnesses, direct or appoint the same, notwithstanding her then coverture in case she shall then be married, and in default of such direction or appointment, then to the use and behoof of all the children of her the said Ann Cooke which she shall leave living at the time of her death, equally to be divided among them; and if she shall have no such children then living, then the same to go and belong to the next of [kin?] of her the said Ann Cooke. Item, I do direct that the further sum of £5000 be laid out in Government Securities, and the dividends thereof be paid to the said Ann Cooke for her life, and that she may dispose of the moneys to arise by the sale thereof after her death among such her children aforesaid, or in default of her so disposing thereof the same to go equally to and among all such her children which she shall leave living at her death, or, if no such children, the same to go to her then next of kin, in the very same manner as I have directed of and concerning the said other moneys given to her as aforesaid upon the death of the survivor of her said father and mother. Item, I do direct that all such moneys as I have ordered to be laid out in Government Securities as aforesaid (except those for the benefits of the said Susanna Cooke, and her husband and daughter, which I direct to be invested for their benefits within three calendar months next after my death) are to be invested within six calendar months next after my death. And all the other of the above-mentioned Legacys I do order to be paid within twelve calendar months next after my death, save as to such of those legatees who shall be under the age of twenty-one years, their said legacies to be paid to them respectively on their attaining that age.

Item, I give to Mr. Peter Alavoine a Diamond mourning ring of the value of 50 guineas. Also, I bequeath unto the respective Governors or Trustees of the several Hospitals in or near London, called St. Thomas’s Hospital, Bartholomew Hospital, and the London Infirmary, £100 for each Hospital to be respectively applied for the respective benefits of the Sick, Lame, and Wounded there, as usual in such cases. And I give to the Governors of the Magdalen Hospital £100 for the use of such Hospital. Item, I give unto the Governors or Trustees of St. Luke’s Hospital for Incurable Lunatics £100 for the benefit of such lunatics in such hospital. Item, I give to the Elders and Deacons of the French Church in Threadneedle Street, London, £100 for the use of the poor, and the like sum of £100 to the Elders and Deacons of the French Church in Artillery Lane, London, for the use of the poor. Item, I give unto the Trustees of the Free Grammar School at Tottenham High Cross aforesaid, £100 for the benefit of such school, and unto the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Parish of Tottenham aforesaid, £100 for the benefit of the poor of that parish, as the minister and churchwardens and overseers of such parish shall think proper. Item, I give unto the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of Saint Michael Bassishaw, London, £100 for the use of the poor of that parish. Item, I give to the governors or trustees, or by whatever other name or names they are described, of the French Hospital near St. Luke’s Church in Old Street, the like sum of £100, for the benefit of persons taken into such hospital; and which legacies, given to such hospitals, churches, parishes, and school, shall be paid within one calendar month next after my death.

Item, I give unto the Governor, Deputy-Governor, and other the Directors of the Bank of England, each a gold mourning ring of the value of one guinea; and unto each of the proprietors of the New River Company who usually sit at and make a Board, one gold mourning ring of one guinea value. Item, I give unto Mrs. Catherine Charon, the wife of Mr. Charon,