Page:Protestant Exiles from France Agnew vol 2.djvu/428

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french protestant exiles.

and heretofore Catherine Levillaine, the sum of £200. Item, I give unto Miss Ann Stone and Miss Mary Stone the sum of £1500 a-piece, to be paid within 3 calendar months next after my death. Item, I give to the said Mr. Walter Dench the sum of £5000, to Mr. Fenwick Lyddall the sum of £1000, to Mr. Nasdale, a weaver, who married the daughter of Rachel Delahaize, the sum of £200; to Mr. John Beard, carpenter, the sum of £200; to Mr. William Case, nephew of the said Walter Dench, £500; to Mr. John Andrew Baumback, and to Mr. Henry Metcalfe, each £100, all of which last-mentioned legacies to be paid within 6 calendar months next after my death. Item, I give unto the said Walter Dench my share of the lease of the house in Basinghall Street, London, wherein he and I now dwell, and the fixtures and other things belonging thereto or therein, and such of the household goods and furniture as belongs to me; but my upright harpsichord in such house I give to Miss Ann Garnault, daughter of the said Mr. Aimé Garnault. Item, I give unto the said Susanna Cooke, to buy herself and husband, and her said daughter Ann, mourning with, the sum of £100, to be paid her immediately after my death, one-third part thereof to be laid out for the said Ann. Item, I give unto Mr. Sampson Carver 50 guineas; to Mrs. Alavoine, her two daughters, each a diamond ring of the value of 10 guinea; to Mrs. Godin, Mrs. Wapshare, wife of Mr. William Wapshare of Salisbury, Mrs. Mary Langton, wife of Mr. David Langton, William Willis, Esquire, banker, and Captain Andrew Riddle, each a diamond mourning ring of 20 guineas value; to the eldest son of the said David Garnault, deceased, a diamond mourning ring of the value of 50 guinea; to James Townsend, Esquire, of Tottenham, a diamond mourning ring of 20 guineas value; and Mr. Jonathan Coulson, a diamond mourning ring of the value of 10 guineas; to Dr. Clarke of Tottenham, my physician, Mr. Cad (i.e., Cadwallader) Coker, Mr. Page of Tottenham; and Mr. Henry Fletcher, Mr. Peter Deschamp. Mr. John Deschamp, Mr. John Rhodolph Bartenschleigh, Mr. John Gresley, senior, Mr. John Gresley, younger, and his wife, who live at Bristol; Mr. William Laforce, Mr. Peter Laforce, and Mr. John Hanbury of Bucklcrsbury, London; Mr. William Stone of Salisbury, and his wife and three daughters, Mr. William Wapshare and his son Charles, and Mr. Henry Dench, each a gold ring of one guinea value. Item, I give a gold ring of one guinea value to each of the above-named legatees who have not rings given to them, and to the two ministers of Tottenham I give each the like mourning ring of one guinea value.

Item, I give unto my gardener, coachman, footman, and each of my women servants that shall be living with me at my death, either in London or at Tottenham, £10 a-piece, and also £5 to each of them for mourning, over and above all charges that may be due from me to them respectively at my death, such legacies to be paid immediately after my death. Item, I do will and direct that such person or persons who shall purchase all or any of my aforesaid estates, shall not be liable to see the application, or be answerable for the non-application, of all or any part of the purchase moneys to be paid by them or any of them therefor. And I do direct that all my said trustees’ and executors’ costs, charges, and expenses relating to or anywise concerning the trusts hereby reposed in them, or any of them, shall be fully paid out of the said trust estates, and that the one of them shall not be answerable for the other of them, or for the acts, deeds, receipts, payments, neglects, or defaults, the one of them of the other of them, but each of them only for his own acts, deeds, receipts, payments, neglects, and defaults. Item, I do hereby authorize my said executors, or the survivors or survivor of them his or their executors or administrators, to compound or agree, settle or adjust, all or any claims or demands which shall or may be made on them in respect of me or my estate (if any there shall be), in such manner as he or they may think most proper, and to pay all necessary sums of money for the compounding or satisfying the same out of my estate aforesaid. And I do empower my said trustees, for the two first years next after my decease, or so long thereof as my said estates shall remain unsold, to pay any sum of money out of my estate not exceeding the yearly sum of £50, for managing and taking care of my estates, and receiving the rents thereof, and keeping the books relating thereto. And I do hereby declare, that in case all my estates and effects, by reason of the fall of Government securities or otherwise, shall fall short or deficient in paying and satisfying the aforesaid legacies, then I do direct that each my said legatees whose legacies amount to two hundred pounds or upwards, do abate out of their legacies in proportion to such deficiency. Item, as to all the rest residue and remainder of the moneys to arise by sale of or from all or any part of my real and personal estates, I give and bequeath the same and every part to the said Mr. Aimé Garnault, and to his aforesaid three daughters, and to the aforesaid Samuel Garnault and Joseph Garnault, and the aforesaid three daughters of the said Mary Garnault, and to the aforesaid Peter Romilly and his said two sons and daughter, and to the aforesaid Margaret Farquier, and to the aforesaid Susanna Cooke and her daughter Ann Cooke, and to the said Walter Dench and Fenwick Lyddal, equally to be divided amongst them, which I expressly direct to be done within two years next after my death; but my executors shall not be paid any part thereof, unless they prove this my will, and take upon themselves the execution thereof; but the share or shares of such executors so refusing shall go and belong to the other and others of my said residuary legatees, equally among them, share and share alike. And I do hereby constitute and appoint the said Peter Romilly, Walter Dench, and Fenwick Lyddal joint executors of this my Will, and revoke all former wills by me at any time heretofore made. In witness whereof I, the said testator, Philip Delahaize, to this my last Will and Testament, contained in this and the four preceding sheets of paper, set my hand and seal, namely, my seal at the top of the first of the said sheets,