Page:Proud dutchess, or, Death and the lady.pdf/5

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My heart is cold, I tremble at the news;
(illegible text)'s bags of gold, if thou wilt me excuſe,
ſeize on thoſe, thus finiſh thou the ſtrife,
til ſuch who are now weary of their life.
(illegible text) there not many bound in priſon ſtrong,
bitter grief of ſoul have languiſh'd long,
And fain would find a grave, a place of reſt
all their griefs in which they are oppreſt;
Beſides, there's many with their hoary head,
and palſey'd joints by which their joys are ſled,
Releaſe thou them, whoſe ſorrows are ſo great,
And ſpare my life to have a longer date.


Tho' they with age are full of grief and pain
Yet their appointed time they muſt remain:
I come to none before my warrant's ſeal'd,
And when it is, they muſt ſubmit and yield;
I take no bribe, believe me, this is true,
Prepare yourſelf to go, I come for you.


Death be not ſo ſevere, let me obtain
A little longer time to live and reign;

Fain would I ſtay if thou my life would ſpare
I have a daughter beautiful and fair,
I'd live to ſee her wed whom I adore,
Grant me but this, and then I'll aſk no more.


This is a ſlender, frivolous excuſe,
I have you faſt, and not let you looſe;
Leave her to Providence, for you muſt go

Along with me, whether you will or no.