Page:Proud dutchess, or, Death and the lady.pdf/6

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I Death do command Kings to leave their
And at my feet to lay their ſceptres down
If not to Kings I will this favour give,
But cut them down, Do you expect to live
Beyond the limits of your time and ſpace?
No I muſt ſend you to another place.


Yon learned Doctors, now diſplay your ſkill
And let not Death of me obtain his will;
Prepare me cordials, let me comfort find,
My gold ſhall fly like chaff before the wind


Forbear to call, their ſkill will never do,
They are but mortals here as well as you;
I give the fatal wound, my dart is ſure,
'Tis far beyond the Doctor's ſkill to cure.
To purchaſe life, rather than yield to die,
How freely would you let your ſilver fly;
But while you flouriſh'd here all in your ſto(illegible text)
You could not ſpare one penny for the poor.
In all your pomp, the poor then you did hate
And like rich Dives ſcourg'd them from your
But tho' you did, thoſe whom you thus did ſcorn
They, like yourſelf, into this world were born
Tho' for your alms they did both cringe & bow
They bore God's image here as well as you:
Tho' in God's name a ſuit to you they'd make,
You would not give one penny for his ſake,
My Lord beheld wherein you did amiſs,

And calls you hence to give accoünt for this.