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that once before, but not as it is now! For then it was delusion, and now . . . .! The sands are growing more distinct; I see the ripple of the golden sea. . . . Chimera! What land is that? Is that the rainbow? Is that the land of happiness, and are you the king?”

“No, Psyche, I am not a king, and that Land . . . .”

“—And that Land . . . .?”

“Is . . . . the Kingdom of the Future!”

“The Future! the Future!! O Chimera, where are you taking me to? Will the Future not prove to be a delusion . . . .?”

“No, here is the Future. Here is the Land. Look at it well . . . . well. . . .”

“It is wider than the widest sphere, wider than anything I can think of. Where are the limits?”


“How far and how wide is the widest sphere?”

“Immeasurably far, indescribably wide. . . .”

“And what stretches away round the widest sphere?”

“The unutterable, and the All, All! The . . . .”