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“The . . . .?”

“I know no names! On earth things are called by names; here not. . . .”

“Chimera . . . .! On the purple strand I see a town of light, palaces of light, gates of light. . . . Do beings of light dwell there . . .? Are these the fore-spheres of the farthest sphere . . . .? Is that the way through circles to . . . . the . . . .? Chimera, I see forms, I see the people of light!! O Chimera! Chimera!! They are beckoning us, they are waving to us! I see two of them: a form of majesty, and another, near him, of love! O Chimera! I know them!! That is my father, and that . . . . O joy, O joy! . . . . that is Eros! Eros! Quicker, Chimera annihilate the space which separates us; speed on, ply your wings faster away, away! Oh, faster, Chimera! Can you not go faster? You fly too slowly for me! You fly too slowly!! I can fly faster than you.”

She spread out her tender, light, butterfly wings; she rose above the breathless, winged horse, and . . . . she flew . . . .!

She glided over the Chimera’s head toward the strand, toward the city, toward the blessed spirits. There she saw her father, there she