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Friendly Societies Act, 1896.
Ch. 25.

(4.) The Commissioners shall give such receipt, letter, or certificate on the payment of the duty or satisfactory proof of no duty being payable, as the case may be.

Inestacy.58.—(1.) If any member of a registered society or branch, entitled from the funds thereof to a sum not exceeding one hundred pounds, dies intestate and without having made any nomination thereof then subsisting, the society or branch may, without letters of administration, distribute the sum among such persons as appear to a majority of the trustees, upon such evidence as they may deem satisfactory, to be entitled by law to receive that sum, subject, if that sum, after making such deductions as aforesaid, exceeds eighty pounds, to the obtaining from the Commissioners of Inland Revenue a receipt for the succession or legacy duty payable thereon, or a letter or certificate stating that no such duty is payable.

(2.) If any such member is illegitimate, the trustees may pay the Sum of money which that member might have nominated to or among the persons who, in the opinion of a majority of them, would have been entitled thereto if that member had been legitimate, or if there are no such persons, the society or branch shall deal with the money as the Treasury may direct.

Estate duty to be paid whom the whole estate exceeds one hundred pounds59. When the principal value of the estate is payable of any person entitled to make a nomination under this Act exceeds one hundred pounds, any sum paid under estate exceeds this Act without probate or letters of administration shall, not withstanding such nomination or payment, be liable to estate duty as part of the amount on which that duty is charged, and the trustees of the society or branch may before making any such payment require a statutory declaration by the claimant, or by one of the claimants, that the principal value of that estate, including the sum in question, does not after deduction of debts and funeral expenses exceed the value of one hundred pounds.

Validity of payment60.—(1.) A payment made by a registered society or branch, validity of under the foregoing provisions of this Act with respect to payments payments, on death generally to the person who at the time appears to a majority of the trustees to be entitled thereunder, shall be valid and effectual against any demand made upon the trustees or the society or branch by any other person, but the next of kin or lawful representative of the deceased member shall have remedy for recovery of the money, so paid as aforesaid, against the person who has received that money.

(2.) Where the society or branch has paid money to a nominee in ignorance of a marriage subsequent to the nomination, the receipt of the nominee shall be a valid discharge to the society or branch.

Certificates of death61—(1.) A registered society or branch shall not pay any sum of money upon the death of a member or other person whose death is or ought to be entered in any register of deaths, except upon the production of a certificate of that death under the hand of the registrar of deaths or other person having care of the register of deaths in which that death is or ought to be entered.