Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 33.djvu/1066

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Astarte subdepressa, 396.

Australia, South, Prof. R. Tate on new species of Belemnites and Salenia from the Middle Tertiaries of, 256.

Australian Cainozoic (Tertiary) deposits, Prof. P. Martin Duncan on the Echinodermata of the, 42.

Avicula lævis, 399.

—— ovalis, 399.

—— pteropernoides, 399.

—— Struckmanni, 399.

Axis of Diploxylon, 839.

Ayton, Coral Rag of, 327.

Babylon Hill, section from Ham Hill to, 4.

—— , section of beds at Ham Hill and, 5.

Balk, gabbro-vein in hornblende schist at the, 893; hornblende in gabbro-vein at the, 895.

—— quarry, analysis of Red Serpentine from, 926.

—— serpentine, microscopic characters of, 921.

Ballycastle coal-field, 625.

Bardon Hill, 771, 780.

Barlow, Dr., notice of bequest from the late, Proc. 5; extract from the will of the late, Proc. 13.

Barrowmouth, Permians of, 16.

Bawdon, 783.

Beach, Cahore, 29.

——, Chesil, 29.

Beacon Hill, 757.

Belemnites, Prof. R. Tate on a new species of, from the Middle Tertiaries of South Australia, 256.

Belemnites senescens, 257.

Belgium, Carboniferous of, 637.

Bellerophon shinetonensis, 668.

Belt, T., Esq., on the a steppes of Southern Russia, 843.

Bencliff grits, 264.

Bendigo, M. C. A. Zacharias on fossil organic remains from, Proc. 95.

Benscliff, 765.

Bequest, notice of, from the late Dr. Barlow, Proc. 5.

Berkshire, Corallian rocks of, 283.

Berwickshire, Mr. R. Etheridge, jun., on the remains of a large crustacean, probably indicative of a new species of Eurypterus, or allied genus, from the Lower Carboniferous series (cement-stone) of, 223.

Bigsby Medal, award of the, to Prof. O. C. Marsh, Proc. 40.

Birkenhead, sections around, 734.

Blake, Rev. J. F., and W. H. Hudleston, Esq., on the Corallian rocks of England, 260.

Blanford, H. F., Esq., on the question of the glacial or volcanic origin of the Talchir boulder-bed of India and the Karoo boulder-bed of South Africa, Proc. 7.

Blore's Hill, 761.

Bohemia, Permians of, 24.

Bone-caves of Creswell Crags, Rev. J. M. Mello on the, 579.

Bonney, Rev. T. G., on the serpentine and associated rocks of the Lizard district, 884.

——, ——, & Rev. E. Hill, on the Pre-Carboniferous rocks of Charnwood Forest. Part I. 754.

Bootle, dock-sections near, 733.

Borrowdale Series, of the north of England, strata between the, and the Coniston Flags, 461.

Boulder-beds, Talchir and Karoo, Mr. H. F. Blanford on the glacial or volcanic origin of the, Proc. 7.

Boulder-clay, Mr. D. Mackintosh on a number of new sections round the estuary of the Dee which exhibit phenomena having an important bearing on the origin of, 730.

Boulder-clays, derivation of component materials of, 734.

Boulder-clays of the basin of the Irish Sea, 737.

Boxford valley, section from, to the Brett valley, 109.

Brachiopoda of the Dorsetshire Cephalopoda-bed, 9.

Brachystoma angulare, 496.

Bradford-Abbas quarry, section at, 7.

Bradgate, Stable quarry at, 763.

Bradley Farm, Marcham, section near, 307.

Brazil Wood, 783.

Brett valley, section from Boxford valley to the, 109.

Bristol coal-field, 631.

British cretaceous strata, Mr. E. T. Newton on remains of Hypsodon, Portheus, and Ichthyodectes from, 505.

British Isles, Prof. Hull on the upper limit of the essentially marine beds of the Carboniferous group of the, 613.

Broomcroft and Harnage Grange, section through, 655.

Broomriggs, 758.

Bryn Gorlan, Vale of Clwyd, section at, 209.

Brynkinallt colliery, 10.

Buchanan-Castle quarry, Devonian plant-remains in, 221.