Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 33.djvu/1067

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GENERAL INDEX. 937 Buck Hills, 756. Buckman, J., Esq., on the Cephalo- poda-beds of Gloucester, Dorset, and Somerset, 1. Burdale, corallian at, 374. Burdale Beck, section from North- Grimston Hill to, 375. Bure valley, section across the, 91. Cadgwith, serpentine near, , microscopic characters of black serpentine from near, 921. , analysis of black serpentine from near, 925. Caerleon Cove, gabbro from, 900. , composition of gabbro from near, 926. Cahore shingle beach, Wexford, Mr. G-. H. Kinahan on, 29. Cainozoic deposits, Australian, Prof. P. Martin Duncan on the Echino- dermata of the, 42. Calderon, Senor Salvador, on the fos- sil Vertebrata hitherto discovered in Spain, 121. Callander, Messrs. Jack & Etheridge on the discovery of plants in the Lower Old Bed Sandstone of the neighbourhood of. 213. Callaway, Charles, Esq., on a new area of Upper Cambrian rocks in South Shropshire, with a description of a new fauna, 652. Calne, oolite of, 289. Calyptrcea concentrica, 201. ■ Cooksonise, 201. Gray ana, 201. Cambrian rocks, Mr. C. Callaway on a new area of, in South Shropshire, 65. Cambridge, corallian reef of, 313. Cambridge Coprolite-bed, Mr. W. J. Sollas on a fossil holorhaphidote sponge from, the, 242. Cambridge Greensand, Mr. A. J. Jukes Brown on the fauna of the, 485. Canobie, Permians of, 16. Caradoc rocks, Lower, in South Shrop- shire, 653. Carboniferous formation of the south- east of Scotland, Mr. R. Etheridge, jun., on a macrurous Decapod from the Red Sandstone, or lowest group of the, 863. group, Prof. Hull on the upper limit of the essentially marine beds of the, of the British Isles and adjoining continental districts, 613. rocks of the Continent, 636-640. series, Prof. Hull on the clas- sification of the, 613, 615. Carboniferous series, Lower, of Ber- wickshire, Mr. R. Etheridge, jun., on the remains of a large crusta- cean from the, 223. strata, Upper, of Shropshire and Denbighshire, Mr. D. C. Davie on the relation of the, to beds usually described as Permian, 10. Carlow, section through, 618. Carnpersack rock, analysis of, 928. Cam Sparnack, microscopic characters of serpentine from, 902, 921. Carpathians, Messrs. Jack & Home on glacial drift in the North-eastern, 673. Carruthers, W., Esq., description of a new species of Araucarites from the Coralline oolite of Malton, 402. Castlecomer, section through, 618. Castlecomer and Killenaule coal-fields, 617. Castle Howard, Lower Calcareous Grit of, 361. Castleton, Derbyshire, the ossiferous deposit at Windy Knoll, 724. Catcombe, Corallian of, 294. Catopygus elegans, 51, 67. Caverns, ossiferous, of Malta, Prof. A. Leith Adams on gigantic land-tor- toises and a small freshwater species from the, together with a list of their fossil fauna, 177. Caves of Creswell Crags, Prof. W. B. Dawkins on the mammal fauna of the, 589. Cement-stone group, Mr. R. Etheridge, jun., on the remains of a large crus- tacean from the, of Berwickshire, 223. Cephalopoda, list of, from the Gry- phite grit of Dorsetshire, 7. Cephalopoda - beds of Gloucester, Dorset, and Somerset, Mr. J. Buck- man on the, I. Cerithium, sp. (cf. virdionense), 394. Chair of Kildare, 481. Chalk, Upper, Mr. F. G. H. Price on the beds between the Gault and the, near Folkestone, 431. Chalk-marl near Folkestone, 433, 435. Charley Wood, 773. Charnwood Forest, Rev. E. Hill & Rev. T. G. Bonney on the Pre- Carboniferous rocks of. Parti., 754. Chelonian remains from the rock- cavities of Gibraltar, Prof. A. Leith Adams on, 188. Chemical and mineralogical changes, Mr. J. A. Phillips on the, which have taken place in certain eruptive rocks of North Wales, 423.