Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 33.djvu/1072

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942 GENERAL INDEX. Gryphcea subgibbom, 400. Gryphite grit of Dorsetshire, list of fossils from the, 7. Gue Graze, serpentine of, 890 ; mi- croscopic characters of serpentine of, 918. Gunnerton crags, section at, 415. Gyrolepis, 567. Hackness, Corallian outlier of, 329. Ham Hill, section from, to Babylon Hill, 4. ■ , section of beds at, 5. Hambleton district, Corallian rocks of, 349. massive,*! section through the, 350. Hambleton oolites, 351. Hammercliff Hill, 772. Hanging rocks, 757. Harkness, Prof. R., and Prof. H. A. Nicholson on the strata and their fossil contents between the Borrow- dale series of the north of England and the Coniston Flags, 461. Harleston, section across the Wansey valley, near, 98. Harmer, F. W., Esq., on the Kessing- land cliff section, and on the rela- tion of the forest-bed to the Chilles- ford clay, with some remarks on the so-called terrestrial surface at the base of the Norwich Crag, 134. , and S. V. Wood, jun., Esq., on the later tertiary geology of East Anglia, 74. Harnage Grange, section through, and Broomcroft, 655. Headington, corallian of, 308. Helcion Mcyeri, 195. Helland, M. Amund, on the ice-fields of North Greenland, and on the for- mation of fjords, lakes, and cirques in Norway and Greenland, 142. Heist on, serpentine near, 914 ; micro- scopic characters of serpentine from near, 919. Heraclea Pontica (Erekli), Coal-bear- ing strata near, 524. Hicks, H., Esq., on the Pre-Cambrian (Dimetian and Pebidian) rocks of St. David's, 229. High Cadman, 778. High Sharpley, 777. High Towers, 773. Highworth, corallian of, 296. , south quarry, section of, 298. Hildenley, corallian at, 372. Hill, Rev. E., and Rev. T. G. Bonney on the Pre-Carboniferous rocks of Charnwood Forest. Part I., 752. Hillmarton, coral rag of, 291. , section of coral beds at, 292. Hipponyx Dixoni, 204. Holastcr austrcdice, 57, 67. Hollybush Sandstone, 662. Holorhaphidote sponge, Mr. W. J. Sollas on a fossil, from the Cam- bridge coprolite-bed, 242. Hornblende in serpentine, 899 ; altera- tion of diallage into, 912. Hornblende schist of the Balk. 893. of the Lizard, analysis of, 928. of the Lizard district, 885. Home, John, Esq., and R. L. Jack, Esq., on glacial drift in the North- eastern Carpathians. 673. Horningdalsvand, section from the sea to, 167. Horse, incised figure of, from Robin- Hood Cave, 592. Hovingham Park, quarry in, 362. Howardian Hills, corallian of the dis- trict of the, 361. Hudleston, W. H., Esq., analyses of the Pre-Cambrian rocks from St. David's, 233, 234 (note). , on the chemical composition of some of the rocks of the Lizard district, 924. , and Rev. J. F. Blake on the corallian rocks of England, 260. Hughes, Prof. T. M'Kenny, on the Silurian grits of Corwen, North Wales, 207. Hull, Prof. E., on the upper limit of the essentially marine beds of the Carboniferous group of the British Isles and adjoining Continental dis- tricts, with suggestions for a fresh classification of the Carboniferous series, 613. Hy<enarctos, Prof. W. H. Flower on the occurrence of remains of, in the red crag of Suffolk, 534. Hypsodon lewesiensis, 508. Icebergs, 148. of Greenland, 154. Ice-fjords, glaciers in the, of North Greenland, 147. , M. A. Helland on the, of North Greenland, 142. Ichthyodectes elegans, 521. minor, 520. Ifton, Permians of, 10, 25. Ifton Heath, section from Chirk to, 10. Igneous and stratified rocks, relations between the, of Charnwood Forest, 785. Ilartdlek, inland ice near, 145.