Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 33.djvu/1073

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GENEKAL INDEX. 943 Implements, horn and stone, from the Church-hole cave, 602. from Robin-Hood Cave, 591. Inland ice of Greenland, 144. Irish Carboniferous districts, 616. representative of the Coniston Limestone and its associated rocks, 478. Sea, boulder-clays of the basin of the, 737. tides in the, 29. Ischypterus, 559. Ives Hill, 775. Jack, R. L., Esq., and John Home, Esq., on glacial drift in the North- eastern Carpathians, 673. , and R. Etheridge, jun., Esq., on the discovery of plants in the Lower Old Red Sandstone of the neigh- bourhood of Callander, 213. Jakobshavn, fjord of, 142, 147; rate of motion of the glacier of, 148, 149. Jeffreys, Dr. J. Gwyn, on shells from diluvial deposits of Southern Russia, 859. Jordan, H. K., Esq., on coal-pebbles and their derivation, 932. Jukes-Browne, A. J., Esq., supple- mentary notes on the fauna of the Cambridge Greensand, 485. Kabalapatak, section north and south through, 677. Kangerdlugssuak, fjord of, 142, 144, 147; glacier of, 151. Karak Clews, serpentine and gabbro at, 902; analysis of gabbro from, 928. Karkow, section near, 848. Karoo boulder-bed, Mr. H. F. Blan ford on the glacial or volcanic ori gin of the, Troc. j. Keisley, near Dufton, section of the Coniston Limestone at, 465. Keltic Water, Devonian plant-remains from, 222. Kennack Cove, 901. Kessin gland cliff-section, Mr. F. W. Harmer on the. 134. cliff, section in, 136. Ket valley, section across the, 93. Kildare, Chair of, 481 . Killenaule and Castlecomer Coal-fields, 617. Kilmahow, Devonian plant-remains near, 221. Kilronan, section at, 623. Kimberley mine, section of, 879. Kinahan, G. H, Esq., on the Chesil Beach, Dorsetshire, and Cahore Shingle Beach, County Wexford, 29. Kirkby Moorside, Upper Calcareous Grit of, 348. Kite Hill, 775. Knock, section of strata in Swindale Beck, near, 464. Knock beds, 477. Kosloo, coal-bearing strata of, 525 ; fossil plants from, 532. Kynance, serpentine near, 888 ; mi- croscopic characters of serpentine from near, 919, 920, 922. Lakes, fjords, and cirques, M. A. Hel- land on the formation of, in Norway and Greenland, 142. Lakes, relation of, in Norway, to the extent of glaciers during the glacial epoch, 165. Lambay Island, 478. Lambert, C J., Esq., donation from, Troc. 92. Lancashire, South-, coal-district, 626. Land-tortoises, Prof. A. Leith Adams on gigantic, from the ossiferous ca- verns of Malta, 177. Langham, corallian rocks of, 280. Lankidden Cove, serpentine and gabbro at, 904. Lebour, G. A., Esq., and W. Topley, Esq., on the intrusive character of the Whin Sill of Northumberland, 406. Leeds, Permians near, 17. Leicestershire coal-field, 630. Leinster coal-field, section through the, 618. Leiocidaris avstralis, 45, 64. Leitrim coal-fields, 623. Lherzolite, microscopic structure of, 916. Lichapyge cuspidata, 608. Lilleshall, map of the district of, 654. Lima interim cat a, 502. lseviuscula, 399. Rauliniana, 502. Limestones, corallian. lower, 323 ; intermediate, 325 ; upper, 325. Lingulella Nichohoni, 668. Linton Hill, corallian rocks of, 268. Lizard district, Rev. T. G. Bonney on the serpentine and associated rocks of the, 884. Longcliff, 756. Lonka, section near, 678. Lovcnia, 56. Forbesi, 59, 68. Lower Carboniferous series of Ber- wickshire, Mr. R. Etheridge, jun.,