Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 33.djvu/1074

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944 GENERAL INDEX. on remains of a large Crustacean from the, 223. Lower Chalk near Folkestone, 440, 441. Lucina aspcra, 395. oculus, 396. Lutremys europeea, 178, 181, 185. Lvdenburg gold-field, 881 ; section of, 879. Lyell Medal, award of the, to Dr. James Hector, Proc. 38. Lyell Fund, award of the, to Mr. Pen- gelly, Proc. 39. Machairodus, 594. Mackintosh, D. Esq., on a number of new sections around the estuary of the Dee, which exhibit an important bearing on the origin of boulder- clay and the sequence of glacial events, 730. Macrocystella Maria, 670. Macrurous Decapod, Mr. R. Etheridge, Jan., on the occurrence of a, in the Red Sandstone, or lowest group, of the Carboniferous formation in the south-east of Scotland, 863. Mallet, R., Esq., on a hitherto un- noticed circumstance affecting the piling-up of volcanic cones, 740. Malta, Prof. A. Leith Adams on gi- gantic land-tortoises and a small fresbwater species from the ossife- rous caverns of, 177. , list of the fossil fauna of the os- siferous caverns of, 187. Malton, corallian rocks of, 364. , new species of Araucarites from the coralline oolite of, 402. Malvern, Olenus-shales of, 661. Mammal-fauna of the caves of Cres- well Crags, Prof. W. B. Dawkins on the, 589. Mammals, Prof. A. Leith Adams on remains of, from Northern Spain, 537. Mammoth, Prof. A. Leith Adams on remains of the, and other mammals from Northern Spain, 537. Man, Palaeolithic, in Robin-Hood Cave, 591; in the Church- Hole Cave, 602. Map of the country surrounding the Vale of Pickering, 316. of the neighbourhood of Wel- lington and Lilleshall, 654. of part of Nova Scotia, 750. Map and section of Kangerdlugssuak fjord and glacier, 152. Marcham, corallian of, 305. , section at Noah's- Ark lime-pit, 305. Maretia anomala, 52, 67. Markfield, 770. Marnhull, section of false-bedded oolites near, 280. Mauisaurus Gardneri, Prof. Seeleyon, an Elasmosaurian from the base of the Gault at Folkestone, 541. Megalaster, 61. compressus, 62, 68. Mello, Rev. J. M., on the bone-caves of Creswell Crags, 579. Mersey, sections on the west shore of the estuary of the, 732. Mesochilotoma striata, 496. Micraster, 68. Microscopic examination of Lizard serpentines, 915. Middle Sand and Upper Boulder- clav, line of demarcation between, 735. Milne, Prof. John, on the action of coast-ice on an oscillating area, 929. Mineralogical and chemical changes, Mr. J. A. Phillips on the, which have taken place in certain eruptive rocks of North Wales, 423. Miocene deposits of South Russia and the Danube valley, 852. Modiola cancellata, 398. Mollusca, Mr. S. V. Wood on new occurrences of species of, from the Upper Tertiaries of the East of England, 119. from East-Anglian glacial and postglacial deposits, 121. Monkwearmouth, Permians at, 17. Moorley Hill, 783. Mosasaurida?, Prof. Owen on the rank and affinities in the reptilian class of the, 682. Mullion Cove, serpentine of, 891 ; mi- croscopic characters of serpentine of, 917. Murchison Medal, award of the, to the Rev. W. B. Clarke, Proc. 35. Geological Fund, award of the, to the Rev. J. F. Blake, Proc. 37. Murex Reedii, 120. Mytilus varians, 398. Nassa conglobata, 119. Natalia Reef, section of, 879. Natica felina, 394. levistriata, 498. marchamensis, 394. Nautilus arcuatus, 488. ina?qualis. 489. ,n. sp.,489. Nematoptychius, 577. Ncrhuea fusiformis, 394. Nerita nodirfosa, 499.