Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 33.djvu/1075

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GENERAL INDEX. 945 Neritopsis, sp., 394. Newton, E. T., Esq., on the remains of Hypsodon, Portheus, and Ichthyo- dectes from British cretaceous strata, with descriptions of new species, 505. Newtondale, corallian rocks of, 333. Newtown, section through, 618. Linford, 766. Nicholson, Prof. H. A., and Prof. R. Harkuess, on the strata and their fossil contents between the Borrow- dale series of the north of England and the Coniston Flags, 461. North Grimston, corallian at, 374. Hill, section from, to Bur- dale Beck, 375. North Wales, Prof. T. M'Kenny Hughes on the Silurian grits of Corwen, 207. , Mr. J. A. Phillips on the chemical and mineralogical changes which have taken place in certain eruptive rocks of, 423. Northumberland, Carboniferous Lime- stone series of, 407. , MM. fopley and Lebour on the intrusive character of the Whin Sill of, 406. Norway, thickness of glaciers of, during the glacial epoch, 160. and Greenland, Mr. A. Helland on the formation of fjords, lakes, and cirques in, 142. Norwich Crag, Mr. F. W. Harmer on the so-called terrestrial surface at the base of the, 134. , stone-bed at the base of the, 139. Nothe grits and clays, 263. Nottingham, Mr. E. Wilson on a new exposure of Eli antics near, Proc. i. Nottinghamshire, Permians of, 17. Nova Scotia, Dr. J. W. Dawson on a specimen of Diploxylon from the Coal-formation of, 836. , Mr. E. Gilpin on some recent discoveries of copper-ore in, 749. Permians of, 24. Nova Tcherkask, section below, 847. Niigsuak peninsula, 142, 143. Nun's-well Bay, section at, 236. Obolella sabrincs, 669. Oifjordvand, section at Lake, 167. Old Red Sandstone, Lower, Messrs. Jack and Etheridge on the discovery of plants in the, of the neighbour- hood of Callander, 213. Olenus Salteri, 666. triarthrus, 666. Orwell, section from the valley of the, to that of a tributary of the Deben, 104. Osmington oolite, 265. Oswaldkirk, section from Ampleforth Beacon to, 356. Owen, Prof. R., on the rank and affi- nities in the Reptilian class, of the Mosasauridas, Gervais, 682. Oxford Clay, Prof. Seeley on the ver- tebral column and pelvic bones of Pllosaurus Evansi from the, of St. Neott's, 716. Oxfordshire, corallian rocks of, 283. Pakefield-lighthouse gorge, section from, to the northern end of Cove- hithe cliff, 137. Palasolitbic man in Robin-Hood Cave, 591. in the Church-hole Cave, 602. Palseoniscus, 548, 556, 557. Paradoxechinus novus. 65. Patellida?, Mr. J. S. Gardner on Brit- ish Cretaceous, and other families of Patelloid Gastropoda, 192. Patricroft, Permians of, 21. Pebidian rocks of St. David's, 235. and Dimetian (Pre-Cambrian) rocks of St. David's, Mr. H. Hicks on the, 229. Pecten aptiensis, 500. intertextus, 399. ' qualicosta, 399. Raulinianus ?, 501. subacutus, 501. Peldar Tor, 776. Penmaenmawr, altered eruptive rocks of, 423. Pentreath beach, serpentine at, 887. Penyglog, section from Corwen to, 207. Perlite, devitrified, 455. Perlites, structure of modern, 451 ; of ancient spherulitic, 453. and pitchstones, ancient devitri- fied, from the Lower- Silurian dis- trict of Shropshire, 449. Permian, beds described as, 10. Permians, divisions of, 25; sections of, 19, 20. Pharctrospongia Strahani, Sollas, a fossil holorhaphidote sponge from the Cambridge coprolite-bed, 242. Phillips, J. A., Esq., on the chemical and mineralogical changes which have taken place in certain eruptive rocks of North Whales, 423. Pickering, generalized section of co- rallian at, 334 ; enlarged portion of the same, 336.