Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 33.djvu/1076

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946 GENERAL INDEX. Pickering, section from the Vale of Thirsk to the Vale of, through the Hainbleton Massive, 350. , sketch map of the country sur- rounding the Vale of, 316. district, corallian rocks of, 333. Pictou, Nova Scotia, Permians of, 24. Pileopsis dubia, 203. neocomicnsis, 203, Seeleyana, 203. Pilgrim's-Rest Creek, section of gold- claim in, 882. Pitchstones, structure of ancient sphe- rulitic, 453. and perlites, ancient devitrified, from the Lower-Silurian district of Shropshire, 449. Plants, Messrs. Jack and Etheridge on the discovery of, in the Lower Old Red Sandstone of the neighbour- hood of Callander, 213. Platypeltis, 665. Pleistocene fauna of Robin-Hood Cave, 590. of the Church-hole Cave, 601. of the Creswell Caves, 607. Plesiosaurs, divisions of the vertebral column in, 545. Pleurotomaria itieriana, 500. regina, 499. Pliosaurus Evansi, Prof. H. G-. Seeley on the vertebral column and pelvic bones of, 716. Podwolochisk, sections at, 850. Polbarrow Cove, serpentine of, 898. Portheus arcuatus, 509. Daviesii, 511. gaidtinus, 512. lestris, 509. Mantelli, 510. molossus, 509. Mudgei, 509. thaumus, 509. Portraine, 478. Postglacial and glacial mollusca. Pradanack Point, serpentine of, 891 ; microscopic characters of serpentine of, 918. Pre-Cambrian (Dimetian and Pebi- dian) rocks of St. David's, Mr. H. Hicks on the, 229. Pre-Carboniferous rocks of Charnwood Forest, 754. Price, F. G. H., Esq., on the beds be- tween the Gault and Upper Chalk near Folkestone, 431. Protocardium isocardioides, 397. Psammechinus Woodsi, 64. Psilophyton, 219. Puncturclla antiqua, 200. Purton, corallian of, 295. Pygopterus, 572, 574. Pygorhynchus Vassali, 51, 67. Quaternary deposits of South Russia and the valley of the Danube, 854. Rainfall of North Greenland, 146. Ratchet Hill, 77<'>. Red Crag, Mr. W. Whitaker on the, 122. , unfossiliferous sands of the, 74. of Suffolk, Prof. N. H. Flower on the occurrence of re- mains of Hyamarctos in the, 534. Red-Sandstone group, Macrurous De- capod from the, of the south-east of Scotland, 863. Rhabdolepis, 552. Rhadinichthys, 558. Riuetics, Mr. E. Wilson on a new ex- posure of, near Nottingham, Proc. i. Rhynchonella sulcata, 503. Rhynckopygus dysasteroides, 49. 66. Rill, granite intersecting serpentine in the, 889. Quarry, microscopic characters of serpentine of, 918. Robin-Hood Cave, 580, 590, 606. , ground-plan and sections of, 588. Roches moutonnees, 159. Rock -surfaces, striated, 736. Russia, Southern, Mr. T. Belt on the Steppes of, 843. St. David's, Mr. H. Hicks on the Pre- Cambrian (Dimetian and Pebidian) rocks of, 229. St. Neott's, Prof. Seeley on the verte- bral column and pelvic bones of Pliosaurus Evansi, from the Oxford clay of, 716. Salenia, Prof. R. Tate on a new species of, from the Middle Ter- tiaries of South Australia, 256. tertiaria, 258. Sands, unfossiliferous, of the Red Crag, 74. Sandsfoot clay and grit, 270. Sandvenvand, section of Lake, 167. Sarkardlek, fjord of, 142, 147. Saurocephalus, 507. Saurodon, 507. Saussurite of newer gabbro of the Li- zard, analysis of, 927. Scalaria torulosa, 120. Scalariform tissue of the axis of Di- ploxylon, magnified, 839.