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Selections from Cassell & Company's Publications.

Mechanics, The Practical Dictionary of. Containing 15,000 Drawings. Four Vols. 21s. each.

Medicine, Manuals for Students of. (A List forwarded post free.)

Metropolitan Year-Book, The. Paper, 1s.; cloth, 2s.

Metzerott, Shoemaker. Cr. 8vo, 5s.

Modern Europe, A History of. By C. A. Fyffe, M.A. Complete in Three Vols. 12S. each.

Music, Illustrated History of. By Emil Neumann. Edited by the Rev. Sir F. A. Gore Ousley, Bart. Illustrated. Two Vols. 31s. 6d.

National Library, Cassell's. In Volumes, each containing about 192 pages. Paper covers, 3d.; cloth, 6d. (A Complete List of the Volumes will be sent post free on application.)

Natural History, Cassell's Concise. By E. Percival Wright, M.A., M.D., F.L.S. With several Hundred Illustrations, 7s. 6d.

Natural History, Cassell's New. Edited by Prof. P. Martin Duncan, M.B., F.R.S., F.G.S. Complete in Six Vols. With about 2.000 Illustrations. Cloth, 9s. each.

Nature's Wonder Workers. By Kate R. Lowell. Illustrated. 5s.

Nursing for the Home and for the Hospital, A Handbook of. By Catherine J. Wood. Cheap Edition, 1s. 6d.; cloth, 2s.

Nursing of Sick Children, A Handbook for the. By Catherine J. Wood. 2s. 6d.

Oil Painting, A Manual of. By the Hon. John Collier, 2s. 6d.

Our Own Country. Six Vols. With 1,200 Illustrations. 7s. 6d. each.

Pactolus Prime. A Novel. By Albion W. Tourgée. 5s.

Painting, The English School of. By Ernest Chesnau. Translated by L. N. Etherington. With an Introduction by Professor Ruskin. 5s.

Painting, Practical Guides to. With Coloured Plates and full instructions:

Marine Painting. 5s.
Animal Painting. 5s.
China Painting. 5s.
Figure Painting. 7s. 6d.
Elementary Flower Painting. 3s.
Flower Painting. Two Books, 5s. each.
Tree Painting. 5s.
Water-Colour Painting. 5s.
Neutral tint. 53.
Sepia, in Two Vols., 3s. each; or in One Vol., 5s.
Flowers, and How to Paint Them. 53.

Paxton's Flower Garden. By Sir Joseph Paxton and Prof. Lindley. With 100 Coloured Plates. Price on application.

People I've Smiled with. By Marshall P. wilder, 2s.; cloth, 2s. 6d.

Peoples of the World, The. In Six Vols. By Dr. Robert Brown. Illustrated. 7s. 6d. each.

Phantom City, The. By W. Westall. 5s.

Photography for Amateurs. By T. C. Hepworth. Illustrated, 1s.; or cloth, 1s. 6d.

Phrase and Fable, Dictionary of. By the Rev. Dr. Brewer. Cheap Edition, Enlarged, cloth, 3s. 6d.; or with leather back, 4s. 6d.

Picturesque America. Complete in Four Vols., with 48 Exquisite Steel Plates and about 800 Original Wood Engravings. £2 2s. each.

Picturesque Australasia, Cassell's. With upwards of 1,000 Illustrations. Complete in Four Vols., 7s. 6d. each.

Picturesque Canada. With 600 Original Illustrations. 2 Vols. £3 3s. each.

Picturesque Europe. Complete in Five Vols. Each containing 13 Exquisite Steel Plates, from Original Drawings, and nearly 200 Original Illustrations. Original Edition. Cloth, £21; half-morocco, £31 10s.; morocco gilt, £52 10s. The Popular Edition is published in Five Vols., 18s. each.

Picturesque Mediterranean. With Magnificent Original Illustrations by the leading Artists of the Day. Vol. 1. £2 2s.

Pigeon Keeper, The Practical. By Lewis Wright. Illustrated. 3s. 6d.