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Selections from Cassell & Company's Publications.

Pigeons, The Book of. By Robert Fulton. Edited and Arranged by L. Wright. With 50 Coloured Plates, 31s. 6d.; half-morocco, £2 2s.

Poems, Aubrey de Vere's. A Selection. Edited by John Dennis. 3s. 6d.

Poets, Cassell's Miniature Library of the:—

Burns. Two Vols. 2s. 6d.
Byron. Two Vols. 2s. 6d.
Hood. Two Vols. 2s. 6d.
Longfellow. Two Vols. as. 6d.
Milton. Two Vols. 2s. 6d.
Scott. Two Vols. 2s. 6d.
Sheridan and Goldsmith. 2 Vols. 2s. 6d.
Wordsworth. Two Vols. 2s. 6d.
Shakespeare. Illustrated. In 12 Vols., in Case, 12s.

Police Code, and Manual of the Criminal Law. By C. E. Howard vincent, M.P. 2s.

Polytechnic Series, The.

Forty Lessons in Carpentry Workshop Practice. Cloth gilt, 1s.
Practical Plane and Solid Geometry, including Graphic Arithmetic. Vol. I., Elementary Stage. Cloth gilt, 3s.
Forty Lessons in Engineering Workshop Practice, 1s. 6d.
Technical Scales. Set of Ten in cloth case, 1s.
Elementary Chemistry for Science Schools and Classes. Crown 8vo, 1s. 6d.

Popular Library, Cassell's. Cloth, 1s. each. (A list post free on application.}

Portrait Gallery, The Cabinet. Containing 36 Cabinet Photographs of Eminent Men and Women. With Biographical Sketches. Vol. I. 15s.

Poultry Keeper, The Practical. By Lewis Wright. With Coloured Plates and Illustrations. 3s. 6d.

Poultry, The Book of. By Lewis Wright. Popular Edition. 10s. 6d.

Poultry, The Illustrated Book of. By Lewis Wright. With Fifty Coloured Plates. New and Revised Edition. Cloth, 31s. 6d.

Pre-Raphaelites, The Italian, in the National Gallery. By Cosmo Monkhouse. Illustrated, 1s.

Queen Victoria, The Life and Times of. By Robert Wilson. Complete in Two Vols. With numerous Illustrations, 9s. each.

Quiver, The. Yearly Volume. Illustrated, 9s. 6d.

Rabbit-Keeper, The Practical. By Cuniculus. Illustrated. 3s. 6d.

Railway Guides, Official Illustrated. With Illustrations, Maps, &c. Price 1s. each; or in cloth, 2s. each.

Great Western Railway. Revised and Enlarged.
Great Northern Railway.
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway.
London and North-Western Railway. Revised and Enlarged.
London and South-Western Railway.
Midland Railway.
South-Eastern Railway.

Railway Library, Cassell's. Crown 8vo, boards, 2s. each.

Under a Strange Mask. By Frank Barrett
The Coombsberrow Mystery. By James Colwall
Dead Man's Rock. By Q.
A Queer Race. By W. Westall.
Captain Trafalgar. By Westall and Laurie.
The Phantom City. By W. Westall.
* * * The above can also be obtained in cloth, 2s. 6d. each.
Jack Gordon, Knight Errant, Gotham, 1883. By Barclay North.
The Diamond Button. By Barclay North.
Another's Crime. By Julian Hawthorne.
The Yoke of the Thorah. By Sidney Luska.
Who is John Norman? By Charles Henry Beckett.
The tragedy of Brinkwater. By Martha A. Moodey.
An American Penman. By Julian Hawthorne.
Section 558; or, The Fatal Letter. By Julian Hawthorne.
The Brown Stone Boy. By W. H. Bishop.
A Tragic Mystery. Julian Hawthorne
The Great Bank Robbery. By Julian Hawthorne

Richard, Henry, M.P. A Biography. By Charles S. Miall. 7s. 6d.

Rivers of Great Britain, The : Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial. Rivers of the East Coast. 42s.