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They’l ſay he was not rais’d by God, but by our inundation.

  Lord Fines he will not Mall men,
  For he likes not Death of all men,
And his Heart doth go to Pit to Pat, When to Battle he ſhould call men.

  Perfidious Whitlock Ever,
  Hath miſchief under’s Beaver,
And for his ends will put the World into a burning Feavour.

  Aſhely Cowper knew a Reaſon,
  That Treachery was in Seaſon,
When at the firſt he turn’d his Coat from Loyalty to Treaſon.

  And gouty Maſter Wallop,
  Now thinks he hath the Ballop,
But though he trotted to the Rump, hee’l run away a Gallop.

  There’s Carew Rawleigh by him,
  All good Men do defie him,
And they that think him not a Knave, I wiſh they would but try him.

  Luke Robinſon that Clownado,
  Though his heart be a Granado,
