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Yet a High-Shooe with his hands in’s Poke, is his moſt perfect ſhadow.

  Soloway with Tobacco,
  Inſpired, turn’d State Quacko;
And got more by his feigned zeal, then by his what de’e Lack ho.

  But Widdrington how came you there?
  A wiſe man and a true there!
You are an Athanaſius among a Knaviſh Crew there.

  But Liſle is half forgotten,
  Who oft is over ſhotten,
For juſt like Harp and Gridiron, his Brains with Law do Cotten.

  Lord Monſon’s next the Bencher,
  Who waited with a Trencher,
How his tayl is jeck’d at home and abroad, for he’s a feeble Wencher.

  We hear from Sir John Lenthal,
  Though this gouty Lord hath ſpent all,
His Rump’s plac’d wrong, but ’tis his face, that is right fundamentall.

  What Knaves are more to be vext Sirs,
  You’l here when I ſing next S}irs,

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