Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/18

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xiv Contents and List of Citations II. How Pippin became King of the Franks PACE 49. Weakness of the later Mero vingian kings ..... 120 EINHARD, Vita Karoli (as below, No. 53), c. i 50. Pope Zacharias authorizes the coronation of Pippin . .121 AnnaUs Laurissenses minores, ad an. 750: Mon. Ger. Hist, Pertz, I, 159 51. Coronation of Pippin by the pope ........ 122 EINHARD, Attnaks, ad an. 753 sf. Mon. Ger. Hist, Pertz, III. The Lombards, Pope Stephen and Pippin 52, Letter of Pope Stephen to Pippin ........ 122 Codtx CaroliHHS, Ep, 9: Mon. Ger. Hist, Epist. 1IL 408: Jaffe, Bib. rer. GeV. IV, 48 sgg. CHAPTER VII CHARLEMAGNE I. Charlemagne, the Man 53. Charlemagne's personal appearance and habits . . . 126 EINHARD, Vita Karoli Magni, cc. 22-25 : J aff e- Bib. rer. Ger. IV, 509 sqq. : Mon. Ger. Hist, octavo edition IL Charlemagne and the Saxons 54. Charlemagne conquers the Saxons in order to convert them I29 Vita Sancti Sfttrmis (as above, No. 47), c. 22 55. The Rebellion of Widukind 129 EINHARD, AnnaJes (as above, No. 51), ad an. 782 III. How Charlemagne was made Emperor 56. Charlemagne's coronation as emperor 131 EINHARD, Ibid, ad an. 799-801 IV. Charlemagne's Way of raising Troops 57. The Heerbann, or fine for refusing to join the army . 135 Cafitulare ItaUcum : Mon. Ger. Hist., Capitularia regum Francorum, denuo edidit Alfredus Boretius, I. 205, a new edition much superior to that first issued in the Monumenta by Pertz ; trans, by Munro in Tr. and Rn. Vol. VI, No. 5 58. Wealthy landholders required to go to the army in person 135 Cafiiulare misforum dt cxercitu prommvndo, c. i : Boretius (as above, No. 57), 137 ; trans, by Munro in Tr. and Rn. VoL VI, No. 5