Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/19

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Contents and List of Citations zv FAGS 59. Nature of Ac supplies for the army ....... 135 Cmfjtulan AftaJgmemse, cc. 9 ff. : Boretius (as above, Now 57), 171; trans, by Mono in Tr. and Rp. VoL VI. No. 5 6a Summons to Abbot Fulrad to join the army . ... 136 fanK ad F*LraJ*m mUvttm ejistil*; Boretras (as above, , 168; trans, by Monro in Tr. and Rp. Vol. VI, No. 5 V. Charlemagne's Income from his Farms 61. Extracts from the Capitulary dt ViUis ...... 137 Cmpihdart de rOBs: Boretius (as above, No. 57), 82 Sff. ; trans, by Mnnro in Tr. and Rp. VoL III, No. 2 VI. Charlemagne's Ideals of Government 62. Extracts from the capitulary for the missi ..... 139 CaXtxlare miss*r*m gtnsrak Boretius (as above. No. 57), 91 Sff.; trans, by Munro in Tr. and Rp. VoL VI, No. 5 VII. Charlemagne's Anxiety to improve Education 63. Charlemagne's letter on the dangers of ignorance . .144 farmS efisttla de SOeris aiatdis: Boretius (as above, ,79; trans, by Munro in Tr. and Rp. VoL VI, No. 5 64. Charlemagne commands the establishment of episcopal and monastery schools .......... 145 A*m*mit*> gr*rrm]is c. 72 : Boretius (as above, No. 57), 59; trans, by Munro in Tr. and Rp. VoL VI, No. 5 CHAPTER VIII THE DISRUPTION OF CHARLE- MAGNE'S EMPIRE I. The Northmen 65. Apollinaris Sidonius describes the Saxon pirates ... 150 Lib. viii. Ep. 6 (close) : Mon. Ger. Hist, Anc. ant. Yin, 132 Sf.; trans, by HODGUN, Italy end her tmmitn.ffti. 66. A Northman's baptism ............ 151 MONACHCS SAKGAU.EKSXS, Degestis KaroK imffratoris, c. 19 : Mon. Ger. HisL, Pertz, II. 761 sf. 67. Opening of Tkc Story of Bttntt Njal ...... 152 Tkf Sf*rr of Bumi NJal, translated from the Norse by 1861 II. Struggles between Sons of Louis the Pious 68. Death of Louis the Pious 15: RODOLFCS FULDEKSIS, Attnales, ad an. 840 Sf . Mon. Ger.