Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/212

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76. Formal acceptance of a follower by his lord in the seventh century. 176 Readings in European History power or guardianship, but must remain during the days of my life under your power or defense. W'herefore it is proper that if either of us shall wish to withdraw himself from these agreements, he shall pay - - shillings to his companion, and this agreement shall remain unbroken. Wherefore it is fitting that they should make or confirm between themselves two letters drawn up in the same form on this matter ; which they have thus done. It is right that those who offer to us unbroken fidelity should be protected by our aid. And since , a faith- ful one of ours, by the favor of God, coming here in our palace with his arms, has seen fit to swear trust and fidelity to us in our hand, therefore we herewith decree and com- mand that for the future - , above mentioned, be reckoned among the number of the antrustions [i.e. fol- lowers]. And if any one perchance should presume to kill him, let him know that he will be judged guilty of his weregild of six hundred shillings. 77. How one who owned his land i.e. held it as an allod might change it to a fief. II. THE GRANTING OF FIEFS To all who shall see the present letters, the Official of Auxerre, greeting in the Lord ; Let all know, that standing in our presence, William de la Foret, knight, ancf Agnes, his wife, asserting firmly that they hold and possess in free allod the property noted below; namely: the arpent of vines, situated in the vineyard of Chablis, in the place which is called the Close, between the vines of William Berner, on the one side, and the vines of the late Pariot, on the other. . . . [The charter continues to describe some twenty pieces of vineyard, meadow, and arable land, certain houses, and rents in wine and grain, the property being situated apparently in six different villages.] Also their houses situated at Chablis which formerly be- longed to the late Peter Venator, knight ; likewise three measures of wine annually due to the aforesaid William and his wife, as is stated, in the priory of Dyem, in short, all