Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/213

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Feudalism 177 the above-mentioned property which the said Agnes is said to hold directly and hereditarily, together with all other things which they possessed and held in free allod, as they claim, and still hold and possess within the boundaries of Chablis, of Chichiac, of Milli, of Ponche, of Bena, and of Chapelle, in short, the direct and hereditary holdings of the same Agnes wherever they may be within the same boundaries, and what- soever, by their common consent and will, after previous deliberation, they have placed altogether in the fee of the church of St. Martin of Tours, and for the future have wished to hold and possess firmly in fee from the said church. They promise on their fealty personally offered that they hold and will hold for the future, from the said church in fee, the things aforesaid and enumerated above, with all other things which they hold and possess within the said bounda- ries, wherever and whatsoever they may be ; and in future, by reason of the same property, will provide feudal service to the same church as they ought to provide it, just as others holding in fee are accustomed to hold and are bound to give or provide. . . . Given A.D. 1267, Wednesday after the Ascension of the Lord. I, Thiebault, count palatine of Troyes, make known to those present and to come, that I have given in fee to Jocelyn d'Avalon and his heirs the manor which is called Gillencourt, which is of the castellany of La Ferte sur Aube ; and whatever the same Jocelyn shall be able to acquire in the same manor I have granted to him and his heirs in augmentation of that fief. I have granted, moreover, to him that in no free manor of mine will I retain men who are of this gift. The same Jocelyn, moreover, on account of this has become my liegeman, saving, however, his alle- giance to Gerard d'Arcy, and to the lord duke of Burgundy and to Peter, count of Auxerre. Done at Chouaude, by my own witness, in the year of the Incarnation of our Lord 1200, in the month of January. Given by the hand of Walter, my chancellor. 78. The count of Troyes grants a manor to a certain Jocelyn to be held as a fief (1200).