Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/277

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England in the Middle Ages 24 1 county, and the said citizens and burgesses for themselves, and the communities of the aforesaid cities and boroughs separately, then and there, for doing what shall then be ordained according to the common council in the premises ; so that the aforesaid business shall not remain unfinished in any way for defect of this power. And you shall have there the names of the knights, citizens, and burgesses, together with this writ. Witness the king, at Canterbury, on the 3d of October. 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY General Summary : ADAMS, Civilization, pp. 339-348 ; BEMONT and A. Refer MONOD, pp. 445-466; MUNRO, Chapters VIII and XIX, pp. 74-85 ences - and 214-223. The Danish Invasions and Alfred : CHEYNEY, A Short History of England, pp. 59-68; ANDREWS, History of England, pp. 21-33; GARDINER, pp. 55-62; GREEN, Chapter I, sect. 5, pp. 44-53; TERRY, A History of England to 1901, Chapter IV, pp. 57-77 ; COLBY, pp. 19-24 ; KENDALL, Source Book of English History, pp. 17-24 ; LEE, Source Book of English History, pp. 96-99. The Danish Conquest and Cnut: ANDREWS, pp. 53-60; GARDINER, pp. 79-85; GREEN, Chapter II, sect, i, pp. 63-67 ; TERRY, pp. 106-123; KENDALL, pp. 31-38 ; LEE, pp. 99-107 ; COLBY, pp. 24-27. English Institutions before the Norman Conquest: CHEYNEY, pp. 78-83; ANDREWS, Chapter III, pp. 40-52; GARDINER, pp. 29-33 and 69-77 ; GREEN, Chapter I, sect. 6, latter part, pp. 58-61 ; LEE, pp. 87-95. The Norman Conquest and William I: CHEYNEY, pp. 85-115; ANDREWS, pp. 66-8 1 ; GARDINER, pp. 91-114; GREEN, Chapter II, sects. 3-5 and beginning of sect. 6, pp. 71-89; TERRY, pp. 130-183; GEE and HARDY, Documents Illustrative of English Church History, PP- 5 6 -59- Henry II: CHEYNEY, pp. 145-170; ANDREWS, pp. 93-108; GAR- DINER, Chapter X, pp. 138-158 ; GREEN, Chapter II, sect. 8, pp. 104- 112; TERRY, pp. 211-229; KENDALL, pp. 51-58. The Quarrel with a Becket : COLBY, pp. 56-59 ; KENDALL, pp. 59- 61 ; LEE, pp. 130-138. 1 Identical summonses were sent to the sheriffs of each county.