Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/278

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2 4 2 Readings in European History Henry's Judicial Reforms: ADAMS and STEPHENS, Select Documents of English Constitutional History, pp. 14-18; HENDERSON, Select His- torical Documents, pp. 16-20; LEE, pp. 117-119; Translations and Reprints, Vol. I, No. 6, pp. 22-26. Richard the Lion-Hearted: ANDREWS, pp. 108-112; GARDINER, Chapter XI, pp. 159-171; GREEN, Chapter II, sect. 9, first part, pp. 112-115; TERRY, pp. 230-244; COLBY, pp. 68-70. King John: CHEYNEY, pp. 174-184; ANDREWS, pp. 112-121 ; GAR- DINER, Chapter XII, pp. 173-185 ; GREEN, Chapter II, sect. 9, end, and Chapter III, sects. 2-3, pp. 115-116 and 122-132 ; TERRY, pp. 245-265; ADAMS and STEPHENS, pp. 34, 35; Magna Charta, full text in ADAMS and STEPHENS, pp. 42-52 ; HENDERSON, pp. 135-148; LEE, pp. 169-180; Translations and Reprints, Vol. I, No. 6, pp. 6-17. Henry III: ANDREWS, pp. 123-136; GARDINER, Chapter XII, pp. 185-208; GREEN, Chapter III, sects. 5, 7, pp. 141-147 and 152-160; TERRY, pp. 266-296; COLBY, pp. 78-83; KENDALL, pp. 81-87. Edward I: CHEYNEY, pp. 209-216; ANDREWS, pp. 136-156; GAR- DINER, pp. 208-224; GREEN, Chapter IV, sects. 1-3 and 5, first part, pp. 161-193 and 201-207; TERRY, pp. 296-333. GREEN, The Conquest of England, 2 vols., new ed., 1899. Comes down to 1071. RAMSAY, foundations of England, 2 vols., 1898. NORGATE, England under the Angevin Kings, 2 vols., 1887. These cover more satisfactorily than any other works the general history of England to the thirteenth century. They may be supplemented by the following accounts : PLUMMER, Life and Times of Alfred the Great, 902, and CONYBEARE, Alfred in the Chronicles, 1900; STUBBS, The Early Plantagenets ; GREEN, Henry II, 1888 ; NORGATE, John Lackland, 1902; RICHARDSON, The National Movement in the Reign of Henry III, 1897; MEDLEY, English Constitutional History (excellent). TRAILL, Social England, 6 vols., 1894-1897; new, revised, and finely illustrated edition, 1902 sqq. This is a sort of encyclopedia of history, made up of special contributions by various writers upon all the various phases of the social and intellectual life. Naturally valuable as a work of reference rather than to be read consecutively. Vols. I and II relate to the Middle Ages. History of England, edited by HUNT and POOLE. A cooperative history in twelve volumes, now in preparation, which promises to prove the best continuous narrative.