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292 Readings in European History coronation, before the whole church, thou didst promise they should be. It is right that the bishops, freed from secular cares, should take charge of their people and no longer be absent from their churches ; for, as the apostle Paul says, let them watch, as men about to render an account for the souls of the people. The final compromise between the emperor and pope in regard to investitures, called the " Concordat of Worms," reads as follows : I, Bishop Calixtus, servant of the servants of God, do grant to thee, beloved son Henry, by the grace of God emperor august of the Romans, permission to hold the elec- tions of the bishops and abbots of the German realm who belong to the kingdom, in thy presence, without simony or show of violence ; with the understanding that, should any discord arise among those concerned, thou, by the counsel and judgment of the metropolitan and the suffragan bishops, shalt give support and aid to the party which appears to have the better case. Moreover the one elected may receive the regalia from thee through the scepter, subject to no exac- tions; and he shall perform his lawful duties to thee for them. He who is consecrated in other parts of the empire [i.e. in Burgundy or Italy] shall, within six months and subject to no exactions, receive the regalia from thee through ts^e scepter, and shall perform his lawful duties for them, saving all rights which are known to pertain to the Roman Church. In whatever cases thou shalt make complaint to me and ask my help, I, as my office requires, will furnish thee aid. I grant, moreover, to thee, and to all those who are or have been of thy party during this conflict, a true peace. ,s In the name of the holy and indivisible Trinity, I, Henry, by the grace of God emperor august of the Romans, for the love of God and of the holy Roman Church and of our lord, Pope Calixtus, and for the cleansing of my soul, do surrender to God and to the holy apostles of God, Peter and Paul, and