Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/329

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Conflict between Gregory VII and Henry IV 293 to the holy Catholic Church, all investiture through the ring and the staff ; and do agree that in all churches throughout my kingdom and empire there shall be canonical elections and free consecration. All the property and regalia of St. Peter which have been seized upon from the beginning of this conflict until this day and which I now hold I restore to that same holy Roman Church ; and will faithfully aid in the restoration of that which is not in my own hands. The goods also of all other churches and princes and of every one, whether lay or eccle- siastical, which have been lost in the struggle, I will restore, as far as I hold them, according to the counsel of the princes and the behests of justice. I will also faithfully promote the restoration of that which I do not hold. And I grant a true peace to our master, Pope Calixtus, and to the holy Roman Church, and to all those who are or have been on its side. In matters where the holy Roman Church shall seek assistance, I will faithfully render it, and whensoever it shall appeal to me I will see that justice is done. All this has been done by the consent and counsel of the princes, whose names are here added : Adalbert, archbishop of Mayence ; F., archbishop of Cologne ; H., bishop of Ratis- bon; O., bishop of Bamberg ; B., bishop of Speyer; H., of Augsburg; G., of Utrecht; Ou., of Constance ; E., abbot of Fulda ; Henry, duke ; Frederick, duke ; S., duke ; Bertolf, duke ; Margrave Teipold ; Margrave Engelbert ; Godfrey, count palatine ; Otto, count palatine ; Berengar, count. I, Frederick, archbishop of Cologne and archchancellor, have ratified this. BIBLIOGRAPHY General Outline : BEMONT and MONOD, pp. 286-300 ; BRYCE, A. Rcfcr- Chapter X, pp. 153-166; HENDERSON, Short History of Germany, ences. PP- 5 8 -75- Gregory's Character and Views: EMERTON, pp. 239-246; TOUT, pp. 124-127. Gregory's Letter to William the Conqueror : COLBY, pp. 36-38.