Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/465

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The People in Country and Town 429 BIBLIOGRAPHY The Serfs and Peasants : CHEYNEY, Industrial and Social History A. Refer- of England, Chapter II, pp. 31-56; EMERTON, pp. 509-520; MUNRO, ences - pp. 148-153- The Qrowth of Commerce and the Towns : CHEYNEY, Chapter III, " Town Life and Organization," pp. 57-73, and Chapter IV, " Trade and Commerce," pp. 75-94 ; ADAMS, Civilization, pp. 279-310 ; BEMONT and MONOD, pp. 375-390; EMERTON, pp. 520-540; HENDERSON, Germany in the Middle Ages, pp. 417-422; MUNRO, pp. 153-159. London in the Twelfth Century: COLBY, pp. 63-66; KENDALL, PP- 65-78. The Hanseatic League : HENDERSON, Short History of Germany, pp. 181-202 ; LODGE, Close of the Middle Ages, pp. 419-451. A number of important documents relating to the manor and the towns may be found in Translations and Reprints, Vol. II, No. I, and Vol. Ill, No. 5. The extracts from the manor court rolls, which Professor Cheyney gives there Vol. Ill, No. 5, pp. 20 sqq. are particularly important. BATESON, MARY, Mediaval England, English Feudal Society from the B. Addi- Norman Conquest to the Middle of the Fourteenth Century, 1904 (Story tional read of the Nations). JESSOPP, Coming of the Friars, second essay on "Village Life Six Hundred Years Ago." BARNARD, Companion to English History (Middle Ages), Oxford, 1902, containing essays by a number of scholars on social conditions, trade, commerce, architecture, monasticism, etc. Very useful. GIBBINS, History of Commerce in Europe. The best short account, with good maps of the trade routes. Also by the same writer, The Industrial History of England, and a more elaborate treatise, Industry in England. INGRAM, History of Slavery and Serfdom, 1895, especially Chapters IV and V. CUNNINGHAM, Outlines of English Industrial History, and his fuller Growth of English Industry and Commerce during the Middle Ages. All these give good descriptions of the manor, the guilds, the fairs, etc. JUSSERAND, English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages (fourteenth century), translated from the French by Lucy Smith, 1887. Very interesting and instructive, with good illustrations. ZIMMERN, HELEN, The Hansa (Story of the Nations). Interesting, with good illustrations.