Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/466

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43O Readings in European History C. Materials GROSS, The Gild Merchant, 2 vols., 1890. The second volume con- for advanced tains documents. Excellent. ASHLEY, English Economic History, 1892. VINOGRADOFF, Villanage in England. One of several special trea- tises upon this rather obscure subject, some of which are reviewed in ASHLEY'S Surveys (see above, p. 192). LUCHAIRE, Manuel, Part I, Book II. On the agrarian arrangements in France. LEVASSEUR, Histoire des classes ouvritres et de Vindustrie en France avant 1789, 2d ed., 1900, Vol. I. Excellent. SEE, Les Classes rurales et le regime dominial en France au moyen Age, 1901. With many short extracts from the sources. PIGEONNEAU, Histoire du commerce de la France, 1885-1889, Vol. I. HEYD, Geschichte des Levantehandels im Mittelalter, 2 vols., 1879. Also a French translation, 1885-1886. A very important work. SCHULTE, Geschichte des mittelalterlichen Handels und Verkehrs zwischen Westdeutschland und Italien, z vols., 1900. Very careful treatment. VON BELOW, Das dltere deutsche Stddtewesen, in the beautifully illus- trated and inexpensive series of Monographien zur Weltgeschichte. The most important work on German towns is HEGEL, Stadte und Gilden der germanischen Vblker im Mittelalter, 2 vols., 1891. The discussion which has raged over the origin of the towns' is summed up by PIRENNE, L'Origine des constitutions urbaines au moyen dge in the Revue Historique, Vol. LIII (1893) and LVII (1895). Besides the material given by Professor Gross in the second volume of his Gild Merchant, the following in the Collection de textes (see above, p. 220) are readily procured: Documents sur les relations de la royaute avec les villes en France de 1180 a 1314, edited by GIRY, 1885. FAGNIEZ, Documents relatifs a rhistoire de Tindustrie et du commerct en France. Fascicle i (to fourteenth century).