Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/586

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550 Readings in European History Pilgrims, 335 sq. Pilichdorfer, 383 sqq. Pippin, 1 20 sqq. Popes, see Papacy. Post-Nicene Fathers, 85. Potthast, Wegweiseroi, 10 ; Regesta pontificum, 311. Precaria, ij^sq. Priscus Panites, visit to Attila, 30 sqq., 46 sqq. Privileges of crusaders, 337 sqq. Procopius, 60. Prosper, 49. Prover^al, 434 sqq. Pseudo-Isidorian decretals, 265. Purgatory, Bede's description of, 83 sqq. Pythagoreans, 18. RAOUL GLABER, 196 sqq., 220. Raphael, 536^. Rashdall, 458, 462. Realencyklopddie fur protestan- tise he Theologie, 84. Reciceil des historiens des croisades, 345- Recueil des historiens des Gaules, 219. Regino, continuation of, 245 sqq. Regino of Priim, 169. Reiner, 300 sqq. Renaissance, 531 sqq., $66 sq. Revelation of G alias, 371 sqq. Richard of Bury, 358 sqq. Richer, ^sqq., 220. Richter, Annalen, 262. Rigord, 206 sqq., 221, 445 sq. Robert, king of France, 196 sqq. Robert of Sorbonne, 216 sq. Robert the Monk, 312 sqq., 345. Roger Bacon, 460 sqq. Roger of Hoveden, 244. Roger of Wendover, 231 sqq. Rolls Series, 243. Roman Church, see Papacy. Roman Empire, break-up of, 35 sqq. Roman government and the Church, 21 sqq. Romans compared with the bar- barians, 28 sqq. Rome, sack of, by Alaric, 43 sqq. Rome, siege of, by the Lombards, Rouen, surrender of, 212. Ruotger, 259^. Rutilius Namatianus, 46. SABATIER, 396.57. Sacraments, 348 sqq., 383 sqq. Sacrosancta, decree, 5 1 1 sq. Sagas, 5 2 sqq. St. Albans, historians of, 244. St. Bertin, Annals of, 157 sq., 169. St. Denis, historians of, 221. St. Vaast, Annals of, 163 sqq., 169. Saints, Lives of, 59. Salvian, 28 sqq., 58. Sardika, Council of, 67. Saxons, 129.57., 150.57^. Schism, Great, origin of, 506 sqq. Scholasticism, 455 sqq. Schools established by Charle- magne, 144 sqq. Science, mediaeval, 460 sqq. Seneca, 14. Serfs, 399.57,7., 405 sq. Severinus, 59. Sforza, 517. Sidonius Apollinaris, 58 sq. Siricius, decretal of, 68. Societe de 1'histoire de France, publications of, 220. Soissons, vase of, 51 sq. Sources, historical, i sqq. Spurriers, articles of, 409 sqq. Stephen of Blois, 321 sqq. Stephen of Bourbon, 355 sq., 370. Stephen III, Pope, letter of, to Pippin, 122. Stoics, 1 6. Strasburg oath, 432 sq. Stubbs, on feudalism, 187. Students, privileges granted to ; 452 sq. Sturmi, 107 sqq. Suger, IC/& sqq., 221, 272 sqq. Swiss, 478 sqq. Sylvester II, 375 and note. TACITUS, Germania, 28, note. Tertullian, 64 sq.