Page:Readings in European History Vol 1.djvu/587

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Index 551 Theodoricus de Nyem, 515. Theodosian Code, 23 sqq. Theodosius the Great, 41. Thietmar, 264. Thomas of Celano, 387 sqq., 396 sq. Thor, oak of, 106. Three Companions, The, 396^. Towns, German, 2^ sqq.; mediae- val, 406 sqq. Traill, 242. Trajan, 22. Transubstantiation, 352, 355 sq., 499 S< 1- Trojans, Franks descended from, 445 S( I- Troubadours, 434 sqq. Truce of God, 187 sqq. Udalrich, 336. Unam Sanctam, bull, 346 J^. Universities, 446 sqq., 448, 453 sq. Urban II, address of, at Clermont, Ur 31 2 sqq. rban VI, 506. Valens, 38 sq., 40. Valentinian II, edict of, 72. Vasari, 532, 534 sqq. Vassalage, -]<)sqq., 184^. Vatican archives, 311. Vatican Library, 529^. Verden, massacre of, 137. Vespasiano, 529 sqq. Villari, 56. Virgin, the holy, 357 sq. Vision of Piers Plowman, 47 5 sqq. Waldensians, 380 sq. Walsingham, 487. Walther von der Vogelweide, 375 sq., 437 sq. Wattenbach, Deutschlands Ge- schichtsquellen, u. Watterich, 265. Welf receives duchy of Bavaria, 269. Wernher the Gardener, West Goths in Italy, 41 sq. White-tawyers, rules of, 411 sqq. Widukind, rebellion of, 129. Widukind of Corvei, chronicler, 248 sqq., 264. Wilfrid, 104. William of Malmesbury, 224 sqq., 244. William of Tyre, 345. William the Conqueror, 224 sqq., 229 sqq. Willibald, Life of Boniface, 106 sq. Wolfram von Eschenbach, 415 sqq. Worms, Concordat of, 292 sq. Wycliffe, 497 sqq. Xanten, Annals of, 69, tfisqq. Yea and Nay, Abelard's, 449 sqq. Year 1000, legend of, 3. ZACHARIUS, Pope, decrees that Pippin be crowned king, 120. Zoology, mediaeval, 442. Zosimus, 42, note. Zwifalt, monastery of, 363 sq.