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Her cordage snap, enrive her snowy sails, Split her tall masts, and whelm her in the waves. The furies ride upon the howling blast, Grin from the clouds, and roar amidst the sea, Deep ope its hoiling chasms, and the frail ship, From height of crested billows, frightful hurl, Down the steep plane to yawning gulfs below. As some shorn leaf, the hoary forests pride, By whirlwinds driven, skims the sere champaign, Here toss'd in eddies, there aloft the skies, Alternate beats the tortured earth and clouds, And rest finds none from the autumnal wave. So Peter's bark, on bouging billows borne, Now passive sinks, now scuds the blaring storm.

Roused from their slumbers, drench in briny foam, The seamen frighted wake, and piteous moan, Ply all their strength, tug at each ore in vain, The storm defies them, and the demons rail. They, sore dismay'd, upon the Master call Lord ! car'st thou not we perish in the storm ? Save, save thy chosen, who implore thine aid. From sleep profound, the Master waking, rose, His face irradiant, and his mien composed ; He on the boiling ocean calmly gazed, And to its troubled waves said Peace, be still. The elements, their Maker's mandate hear ; Light'nings to flash cease, thunders hush their roar, Clouds swift disperse, the wild winds check their course, Th' impending billows sink, and all is calm. Soft zephyrs, tripping o'er the smiling sea, Ambrosia tinctured, od'rous scents exhale, Whilst each glad star, desert the azure dome,

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