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Shines o'er the waves and mocks the blushing dawn. The chosen Twelve salute these fav'ring signs, Their Master worship, and his pow'r extol; Revive their courage, soon dismiss their fears, New spread the sails and steer towards the shore ; When bands of cherubs seize the trembling wreck, And instant waft them where they wish'd to be.

Gadara kiss'd his feet, and all the coasts Of Pella, Gerasen, and Dalmanuth, Where pow'rs of darkness, undisputed held Infernal sway. Here he his grace display'd, And legions dispossess'd, transferr'd to swine, Driv'n headlong fathoms deep beneath the sea; Unloosed the tongues of whom the devils bound, With sweetness to discourse his praise ; open'd Their sealed eyes, his glory to behold ; Healed the rich man's son, whom spirits tore, Hurl'd oft in fire, or in the gurgling pool; Made them confess his name and heav'nly birth, Him Jesus call, Son of the most high God, And prone, entreat him to withhold his pow'r. Nor only those he saw heal'd, but gracious Sent his all-commanding voice, majestic, To th' utmost bounds of Juda's vexed realm. Syrophenicia heard, and greater faith Display'd than he in Israel had found. The Tetrarch's steward's wife, Joanna, thus Deliv'rance of him sought, and seeking, found ; Nor less Susanna, who, from demons freed, Dispensed needful aid to him, who, though Possess'd of all, poor for their sake became. Such acts of grace the Merciful dispensed,

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