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The god. Him, Odin, Scandinavia calls,

And worships on his flecker'd seat, destined

Ere long to be o'erthrown, no more to cheat

Mankind with semblance of a regal pow'r.

Satan his true name, and the same that fell

Like light'ning from the heav'ns, to deepest hell

Consign'd. From thence escaped, awhile unleash'd,

He now, with leer malignant, scans the earth,

Intent on prey; anon, fierce issuing forth

To slay, and gorge the maw insatiate,

Of his incestuous daughter Sin, and Death,

The grimy horror, by them both begot.

Thus watching, he beholds disturbed the air;

Gleams of celestial light, as meteors, shot

The heav'ns and earth between, whilst to and fro,

Angelic messengers still hastive pass'd.

Meanwhile the undulating air convey'd

T' his sense the sound of sweetest minstrelsy :

Swoet to bless'd ears, but hateful to th' accurs'd;

Hateful to him, and roused his dormant ire.

" Comrades," he said, " something, which our estate Behooves us well to know, transpires. Perhaps Some inroad on our empire here, hard reach'd, Though after, easy got, with simple trick Play'd on the woman Eve: got easy, though With many' a hard fought field and hideous wound Retain'd. Be 't so; our Punisher his worst Hath tried; at least, what more he can, he may; For, though his thunderbolts o'erwhelmed us In the skies, ousting us of birthright there, With this his power ends; as for the rest, Do what he lists, he's worsted. Made he not

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