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Were instant raised to supernatu'ral life, The image of thei* great Exemplar made, And full endow'd with, their Exemplar's power. Who first created, now creates anew, With his own grace indues, his works to will, And greater works than he vouchsafed, permits, When such the glory of his kingdom bids; To Eden's bliss, gave power earth to restore, Wisely should earth accept the proffer'd grace, And peace surpassing knowledge, peace, that earth Hath not the pow'r to give, nor take away. More than the Thesbite gave his following friend, What time he bless'd him with the double gift, And left him to pursue his way alone, Gave this to whom, reluctant he must leave; For here the Master of the Thesbite, free, Of his own fullness gave, abounding grace. Nor less did these implore him not to go, Cling to his feet, his robes, gaze on his face, Feast on his words, and long to keep him near. Whom once they lost, whom now they find restored, Jealous they guard, lest that his mystic words, Their complement should find in greater loss. Nor did their hearts mislead them, doubting vain. A heav'nly ardor kindles on his brow, His form unwonted brilliance soon o'erblazed, Dilated grew, and larger stood than life. Nor stood alone, for, redolent, the air Resplendent glow'd, with flaming ministers; Whilst crowds of witnesses around appear, And all the brow of Olivet illume.

Sing, heavenly Muse, who still with gentlest hand,

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