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Let no divisions this compact divide, No hostile force, this union disunite; As little children love, with simple faith, Adhering to the precepts I have taught. All these, the Paraclete, whom I will send, Will to your minds recall; and lead and keep You ever, to the end of time, in truth ; Ne'er shall forsake you, suffer not to err; So build you up, my Church, the living faith, Pillar and ground of truth, which, whoso hears, Hears me, who doth despise, despiseth me, Despiseth me, and him, who me hath sent. Behold the height to which your mission tends All power is given to me, all power to you, For, as the Father me hath sent, do I Send you; receive ye then, the Holy Ghost; Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven ; Whose sins you shall retain, they are retain'd. Go, preach my Gospel ; all the nations teach ; Baptize with water in the sacred name Of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, triune, And I'll be with you to the end of days."

So saying, on the Twelve he mystic breath' d, In them infused the new celestial life, Converted them, and molded to his will. As first from clay original, inert, Adam, proportion'd neath his plastic hand, He made, then in his nostrils breath'd the breath Of Life, and man became a living soul, The perfect image of his Maker's form, And in the Maker's stead to rule the earth ; So these, from unrenew'd and death of sin,

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