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Remarks by President Trump on the National Security and Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border | The White House

THE PRESIDENT: Because your question is a very political question because you have an agenda. You’re CNN. You’re fake news. You have an agenda. The numbers that you gave are wrong.

Take a look at our federal prison population. See how many of them, percentage-wise, are illegal aliens. Just see. Go ahead and see. It’s a fake question.

Yes. Go ahead.

Q Can I ask a follow-up?

Q Thank you, Mr. President. Just to follow up on that, unifying crime reporting statistics — numbers from your own Border Patrol, numbers from this government — show that the amount of illegal immigrants are down, there is not violence on the border, and that most —

THE PRESIDENT: There’s not violence on the border?

Q There’s not as much violence as —

THE PRESIDENT: Oh, really?

Q Let me — wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait —

THE PRESIDENT: You had 26 people killed —

Q Let me finish the question, please. Let me finish the question, please.

THE PRESIDENT: Two weeks ago, 26 people were killed in a gunfight on the border —

Q I understand what you’re — I understand what you’re saying.

THE PRESIDENT: — a mile away from where I went.

Q I was there. I understand. That’s not the question. The question is —

THE PRESIDENT: Do we forget about that?