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Remarks by President Trump on the National Security and Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border | The White House

Q No, I’m not forgetting about it. I’m asking you to clarify where you get your numbers, because most of the DEA crime reporting statistics that we see show that drugs are coming across at the ports of entry, that illegal immigration is down, and the violence is down.


Q So what do you base your facts on?

THE PRESIDENT: Okay, let me — come on, let’s go. Sort of — sort of —

Q And, secondly —

THE PRESIDENT: No, no. You get one. You get one. Ready?

Q Well, the second question is —

THE PRESIDENT: Just sit down. Wait. Sit down. Sit down.

Q Could you please answer it?

THE PRESIDENT: Sit down. You get one question.

I get my numbers from a lot of sources — like Homeland Security, primarily. And the numbers that I have from Homeland Security are a disaster. And you know what else is a disaster? The numbers that come out of Homeland Security, Kirstjen, for the cost that we spend and the money that we lose because of illegal immigration: Billions and billions of dollars a month. Billions and billions of dollars. And it’s unnecessary.

Q So your own government stats are wrong, are you saying?

THE PRESIDENT: No, no. I use many stats. I use many stats.

Q Could you share those stats with us?