Page:Repository of Arts, Series 1, Volume 01, 1809, January-June.djvu/325

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a L] i 001 w AL WO propriation to a boudoir. Itiicom- justice to 1 1 poecd of i ruby-< olourcd < alico, enriched Willi .1 slur-like figure "I various black hue • li ii lined w ith a newly invented print of an aznre colour, Btrictlj re tcmbling i 8| ur- ilk. The drapei j lias a Pci lian silk fringe of the colour of gold, united (it ;i imaU portion of .sable. The pole I s - suspended by silken cords attachid to fashionable metal pins. i( is scarcely necessarj I" mention, that if theapartment to be llins decollated has several windows, the intervals (, i the curtains be Idled up by ;i continuation of the blue silk mantle. Ails would sillier nilieli in public esteem it unconnected with a pro- per display of their perfections. — Curtains, though originally invent' ed for Use only, bet anie, wilh the improvements <>f Iiteratuie, emblems of representations of military tents and religious veils. The former is partly intended in (he present in- stance. The implements of uar nre judiciously placed, and shew that the interior is the residence of! a chieftain. It is impossible, how- ever, that a print should do perfect p'» . thai I tat ion. In no (I Ins the • . rer of 1 been moi e • - liduonslj emplo . th:m in the di posit i m ot dra] forwindo other suitable objei Is. I: i and the light m ss oi di » ry that have puts! ion I mows scnlptoi s : and ind< ed their works are all but humble imitations of nature, w ho scale, todispo ease almost appiorichin r to n gence. It ison the 'ions that the heavy and cumbrous objects offurniture are L r i inj pi. a e to airy and light designs. The largccornice, the ponderous mantle-piei e, i n I ma-s chair*. ield the palm to mo- dem inventions founded on the tirui • of observation of nature. — Those who stud j ihis unerring mo- del, will find their reputation in- creased in proportion as they p 1- vance. ALLEG01IK AI, WOOD-CUT, WITH PATTERNS OF BRITISH i FACT! RE. Thc pattern Not I. and 9. is a new description of furniture cali- coes, anil the scarlet colour is equal- ously i intrasti .1 w i;ii blue design, which not only gives it When made up into curtains orbed- ly novel ami striking, lor many ' furniture) an extremely rich and years genius and ingenuity have noble appearance, but also produoes been employed in devising the best ; a most desirable relief to the malt means of producing a scarlet dye for calicoes ; ami with the aid of p verance, they have at length tri- umphed in achieving SO valuable a discovery. In this stuff the scarlet is judici- No. IV. Vol. I. and burnished gold ornaments which generally accompany them. This splendid article i- the nufacturc oi Mr. n. wl pri- vate ware-rooms No. 61, Pall-Mali, contain a great va:iet of the most LI