Page:Repository of Arts, Series 1, Volume 01, 1809, January-June.djvu/326

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beautiful furniture cottons ever shewn in this country, after new and chaste designs of his own; and, as we understand, at very reasonable prices.

The new and elegant article, No. 3. is denominated Scotia silk, from being manufactured in Scotland. It is a mixture of cotton and silk. The extravagantly high price of the latter, which still continues on the advance, must render an economical article like that before us, a most desirable object, as it exhibits all the appearance and face of silk, at very little more than half the price. It is half-yard wide, and is in great request for pelisses and dresses. It has been introduced by Mrs. James, inventor of fashions for ladies, 15, New Bridge-street, Fleet-street, where it may be had of a variety of colours.

No. 4. a spotted muslin, is a very fashionable article; it is either worked by the hand, which of course must render it very expensive; or, like the pattern exhibited in our work, is the produce of the loom; in which case, it comes very little higher than plain muslin of the same quality. It is furnished us by Messrs. T. and J. Smith and Co. No. 34, Tavistock-street, Covent-garden.



Written for the House of Northumberland.

By the Author of “The Address to an Infant.”

Dread ministers of him whose will restrains
The mad'ning whirlwind, or lets loose its rage,
To tear the vexed billows from their beds,
And dash them furious with their foam to heav'n,
To drown the muttering clouds, and with their roar
To outbrave the thunder in its wrath provok’d;
Or who, submiss at his almighty word,
Unchain the earthquake, that convulsive heaves
Some sin devoted land, and ruin drear
Spreads o’er its surface; or if greater ends
Engage you, and at his behest you come
To urge the fall of empires, and the globe
To revolutionize and mould anew,
Producing general change———ye angels, say,
Shall nature’s conflicts, or the wilder war
Of human passions, crush the hallow’d dome
That lifts its tow'rs illumin’d with the beams
Of hearts rejoicing! with the widow’s prayer!
The orphan’s playful laugh! the old man’s smile!
And all the wealth of Charity!———Oh! no !
Commission’d sure to spare, well pleas’d you’ll stop
To mark the favour’d spot, and then sublime
Pass on to execute your awful charge.
Northumberland, such the eternal strength
Of thy God-guarded race, while they, like you,
Protect, and love, and venerate the poor.



Whether conducive to Happiness.

The heart can ne’er a transport know
That never knew a pain:
The point thus settled long ago,
The present question ’s vain,