Page:Researches respecting the Book of Sindibad and Portuguese Folk-Tales.djvu/160

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thirteenth century. Translated into German by Sengel- man,* into French by Carmoly.* . The Sindibdd-ndmek, an inedited Persian poem, written in 1 375. The author had before him a Persian text in prose, translated from the Arabic. The only manuscript known, existing in the Library of the East India Company in London, is injured and imperfect. The contents of this version are known from an abstract given of it by Forbes Falconer in 1841,5 reproduced somewhat inex- actly in French in the Revue Britannique of 1842 (May, June).

I possess only this French reproduction, not having been able, in spite of every endeavour, to procure the work of Mr. Falconer. Professor Benfey has kindly afforded me valuable assistance in some doubtful passages. The abstract of Falconer leaves much to be desired, being in some respects contradictory, and in many cases insufficient, as it gives only the titles of the stories. Two of the latter have been courteously communicated to me by Dr. Sachau, who at the request of Professor Max Müller searched for the manuscript, and after finding it read the stories, and sent them translated to me.

. The eighth night of the Tilti-ndmeh of Nachschebi. This Persian poet died in 1329. His Tiiti-ndmeh is not yet published, but the whole is well known through the careful abstract of it published by Pertsch. The eighth night was, however, well known before, viz.,

  • Das Buch von den Sieben Weisen Meistern aus dem Hebrdischen

und Griechischen, zum ersten Male iibersetzt, Halle, 1842. f Paraboles de Sandabar traduites de VHebreu, Paris, 1849. $ Asiatic Journal, vol. xxxv. p. 169, et seq.; vol. xxxvi. p. 4, et seg.; p. 99, et seq. Cf. Ddfre'mdry in Journal Asiatique, 1842, p. 105, et seq. In Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlcindischen Gesellschaft, 1867, vol. xxi. pp. 505-551.